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Being emotionally distraught and having to keep my façade is very hard. I keep closing my eyes and begging to wake up in Sans' bed back during that night. Then, I'd never go back to sleep.

Instead, when I open my eyes I am still in Snowdin. I close them. I press them shut as hard as possible.

"IS THE HUMAN ALRIGHT?"  Papyrus asks Sans. They both exchange uncomfortable looks.

"Uh, kid." Sans approaches me and lays a hand on my shoulder.

"How could I have forgotten... I wish I'd forget... then..." I mumble to myself. Standing up, I grab Sans by the arms. He is much smaller than the last time I saw him. "You always remembered. Why did you forget?"

They exchanged confused looks once again. This was... a true reset. I progressed through every different location, encountering different monsters throughout the time. Finally, I make it to the judgement hall. A part of me remembers standing where I am now in the past, feeling scared. Feeling angry. Hatred. And other times, standing here and feeling happy. Happy that it's almost over.

I watch Sans before I'm even supposed to see him. He notices, but I continue to walk anyway.

"Please." I mouth to myself. "Please please please."

"So you finally made it. The end of your journey is at hand." He speaks seriously. He shrugs. "In a few moments, you will meet the king. Together you will determine the future of this world. That's then. Now, you will be judged. You will be judged for your every action."

Sans continues with his pre-judgement speech that I've heard all too many times. He explains EXP and LOVE. I used to hate this part. I would be bored, because I've heard it before. My thoughts are interrupted once he stops talking for a moment. A minute pause.

"But you... you never gained any LOVE. Course, that doesn't mean that you're not completely innocent or naive. Just that you kept a certain tenderness in your heart."

Yeah, yeah. I've been good. Let's get on with saving the underground so that we can pick up where we left off.

"No matter the struggles or hardships you faced. The tears you've shed." Okay, that was new. "You strived to do the right thing. You refused to hurt anyone. Even when you ran away, you did it with a smile. You never gained LOVE, but you've gained love."

He stopped for another moment. I opened my mouth to say something, but forced myself to close it. I know that if I had started talking, I'd start crying.

"Does that make sense? Maybe not... now you're about to face the greatest challenge of your entire journey. Your actions here... they will determine the fate of the entire world. If you refuse to fight, Asgore will take your soul and destroy humanity." He looks down at his feet, shoving his hands in his pockets before continuing his speech. Yes, I know what will happen. I know Flowey is going to come back and take everybody's soul. I know Asriel will allow me to take everybody's souls back. I know we will get out. I know.

And, with that, I'm on my way out of the Judgement Hall. Sans disappears, which used to be a mystery but I found out about his teleportation so it only feels natural. Coming across Asgore, everything is the same.

He takes away my ability to offer mercy, like some kind of sick video game that breaks the 4th wall.

I do what I must, and swing my knife at him until he's weak. I hate using this knife... finally, he tumbles over onto his knee, desperately holding himself off of the ground. He tells me to take his soul and escape from the underground. I show him mercy, and his eyes beam with that familiar bittersweet happiness. He tells me how him and Toriel can take care of me, sitting around in the living room and telling stories.

"We can be like... a family." He smiles, his voice weak. I try to smile, but I can't bring myself to do so, knowing what happens next.

"That sounds good, I'd like that." I whisper, just loud enough for him to hear it. He lifts his head.

"It's settled, then-"

Flowey's bullets surround Asgore, and finish him off. I do nothing but watch in anguish.

"Hi again!" Flowey speaks.

"Can I ever actually have an ending that isn't ruined by you?" I ask. He wiggles around his his spot, wielding the souls.


"Then let's get on with it."

My world goes black, and sudden lights up with Flowey's face on a television screen high above the ground. I know, I know! Omega Flowey. Kills me, I refuse. Kicks my ass. The souls help me.

"Do you really wanna do this all over again?" I ask him. He stops. "Because we both know how this ends. Is it really that fun anymore? I mean maybe if I did a different route, but I've done the pacifist quite a few times. You even remember. Look, man, I just wanna make it to the surface, and I'll even take you with us in like a flower pot or something if you want to stop being a bitter asshole."

He just sits there, flabbergasted. He gives me an are you fuckin kidding me? look.

"It was worth a try." I sigh. Then vines, shoot through my chest, fire cremates me alive, I get shot, beat, and killed. All hell reins. At one point, while I'm receiving health, I cough and heave. "Is it just me or is he just being an asshole?" I ask the other souls. Of course, no answer.

Finally I defeat him. Then I show him mercy.

"You think I've learned anything?"

"I think you're gonna be spending the next few years in a not-frequently enough watered flower pot on my windowsill for what you did to me just now, but yeah mercy I guess."

I listen to the heartbreaking voicemail from Sans on the cellphone Toriel had given me before I ran straight bout of her basement. He says everything I expected him to, except for when he was supposed to hang up, he didn't. He hesitated for a moment.

"I remember."

My heart sinks. I immediately listen acutely for anything else, but all I heard was the phone click and have the dial tone.


Not Alone - A Reader(Frisk) x Sans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now