Chapter Nineteen

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We laid together on the couch, and I rested my head on his chest. I inhaled his scent, and it made me want to bury my face further into his chest.

I began drifting into sleep, but I felt his gently nudge me.

"Hey, let's go to bed." He whispered.

"Mm." I groaned.

"Heh.." He sat up, yielding me in his lap, then lifting me. He stood up, and carried me in his boney arms. He carried me up the stairs and into his room, laying me onto the mattress.

When I thought he was leaving, he climbed into the bed with me. I was startled, but I was also very tired. Tired enough not to question it, and wrap my arms around him.

He smiled wide, and turned towards me, wrapping his large arms around my shoulders, pulling me in close.

"I'm sorry." He whispered into my ear. I looked up at him, watching him as best I could in the bad lighting. He closed his eyes.

"It's okay." I mumble, resting my head onto the pillow. "I love you."

His eyes opened, and looked at me, a blush dusted his cheeks.

"I love you, too."

We fell asleep in each others arms.

I woke up, rubbing my eyes.

"Sans-" I jolt upright, "wait a minute.."

I look at the soft mess beneath me. Golden flowers. I grasp them into my fists. I tear them as I stand.

"What is this, what..."



I turn around, and one flower was sticking out from the others.

"Flowey, what the fuck is going on?!" I fall to my knees, "I didn't reset! I swear, I didn't reset this time!"

Tears filled my eyes. He smirked at me.

"I didn't either. Hmm... Guess your smiley trash bag must've."

"No- this can't be happening... I made so much progress. Flowey, how do I fix this??" I lean closer to Flowey, "Sans can't even reset, can he?!"

He looked up at me, and raised one eyebrow.

"I guess he can."

With that, I was off. I ran past Toriel, past the puzzles, through the ruins, and out.

My lungs burned and stung. My body is smaller than it was before. This was really a reset. I was literally younger.

I ran until I came across the path. The trees.

Then, I slowed down to a walk.

"Sans?" I began jogging slightly.

A branch behind me snapped, and I turned around to see nothing.

"Sans, it's me."

I turned back around, and continued walking, though I knew what he was doing.

And, I came to a stop in front of the bridge. Footsteps lead up to my back, and I hear his voice. So familiar...


The tears that had build up in my eyes, now spilled down my cheeks

"Don't you know how to greet a new pal?"

I clench my fists.

"Turn around and shake my hand."

I turn around, and see his face. Younger, and knowing much less than my Sans.

We stared at each other, and I waited desperately for some sign that he remembered me.... Didn't he remember... Like before?

His eyebrows furrowed.

"Well? Aren't you gonna shake my hand?"

I stared down at it, and saw the whoopie cushion in his palm.

"Aw, you weren't supposed to look!"

More tears escaped from my eyes, and my long weep echoed through the woods.

"Hey, wait, why are ya crying?"


Not Alone - A Reader(Frisk) x Sans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now