~~~~Chapter 11~~~~

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After everyone finished their food, they started sitting together and watching television. At one point, Toriel turned off the tv, and started playing piano, on a piano that I hadn't even noticed.

Mettaton got up, and laid across it dramatically, and started singing.

"You wouldn't happen to have a ukulele, would you?" I lean over an whisper to Sans.

He leaned in towards me, still watching the show.

"Not that I know of. I used to play, though."

"Same. We should play together."

Mettaton shot upright and harshly shushed us, before returning to his singing.

Sans and I covered our mouths and tried not to laugh.

Papyrus crawled over towards us, and chipped in.

"ARE YOU LOOKING FOR YOUR UKULELE?" He whispered as quietly as possible- he managed an indoor voice.

Sans nodded, and stared at him, as he pulled it out from behind him.

"YOU LEFT IT IN THE TUB, YOU ARE SO LA-" Mettaton did to Papyrus what he had done to us, and continued. Papyrus didn't continue speaking, but handed Sans his ukulele.

My facial expression becomes surprise as he and I cannot believe how fate works out.

He handed me the ukulele, and I gladly took it.

When Toriel and Mettaton finished, they immediately got ready to play another song. Sans quickly jumped up to stop them.

"Wait! (Y/n) wants a turn!" He cried out.

I tried shushing him, but they called me up anyways, and they sat down in the "crowd."

It was awkward now. There was no noise besides the breathing of everyone in the room.

I quietly take a seat on the piano bench, but facing them, and hold the ukulele.

I start strumming one of the only tunes that I have learned in the short months I took to learn to play. Hell, I'm even gonna sing too. I start, singing softly and unsure. It makes all noise cease, like everyone took a breath.

"... Wise men say, only fools rush in," everyone stared at this point, and I dare not look at their expressions. It'll discourage me. "But I can't help, falling in love with you."

Don't look at Sans, don't look at Sans.

"Like a river flows, surly to the sea... Darling so it goes... Some things, are meant to be."

I looked up, oh god I looked up.

Sans eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open. His cheek bones glowed a bright blue. It made my stomach churn.

They could tell, I stuttered because of it.

"Take my hand... Take my whole life, too... " I strum fluently, and press my eyes shut in an attempt not to look up anymore. "For I, can't, help.. Falling in love with you."

I stopped, knowing that wasn't the entire song, but I had gotten very anxious meanwhile.

It was completely silent for a few seconds, before everyone erupted.

Alphys on one side of me, Jay on the other, Toriel and Asgore behind me, Sans and Papyrus in front of me, and Undyne literally climbing me.

I just sat there, my face grew extremely hot and red, and I covered it. Sans backed up and smiled at me, I smiled back to him.

It was cold out now, like... Straight up freezing. I couldn't feel my nose.

Sans opened the door and climbed into the car, and leaned over to unlock my side. I nod and jump in as soon as possible.

Though, inside of the car wasn't much better than the outside. Maybe, it was even colder.

He quickly started the car, and I rubbed my arms together to make some kind of warmth.

Check the time, and see it's only 11 pm. I felt very sincere all of the sudden.

"Thank you." I say.

"For what?" He asks.

"For making me forget about everything that happened earlier. Heck, for the whole week. Thank you so much."

"(Y/n), don't even worry about it. You can come over whenever you want. We're ya new family." He jokes.

"I had a lot of fun today."

"I'd hope so. Jay didn't express it, but the kid really liked you. I can tell."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, since he fell into the underground, he never really spoke to anyone. Almost nobody noticed him. Like, he literally just walked through the underground to the burier. The only one he trusted was Toriel. " he explained.

"Oh... Why does this sound familiar... Like some story I was told as a kid or something." I mummer.

It really did feel oddly familiar. Sans looked at me from the side of his vision for a moment, inspecting me. He looked like he had something to say... But he didn't. He just looked back at the road and shut his mouth.

I didn't pursue it. I did the same as him, and just shut up.

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