~~~~Chapter 13~~~~

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A week has passed. I was so bored, and so depressed. There were times when I wanted to sleep all day, but I couldn't. So I spent most of my time cleaning the apartment, and when I wasn't, I spent my time grooming myself. Brushing my hair, finding tutorials for cool styles. Knitting, painting, and I even did my nails and plucked my eyebrows.

I tried so many new things to distract myself. Until my hair was falling out and the bags under my eyes got darker, and my skin got paler.

I was slowly falling apart.

Where was Travis? How mad at me was Sans? Why are none of my friends talking to me?

It's been a long time since I've spoken to anyone. My phone was cut off after nobody could pay the bill, and we had started getting eviction notices way before Travis even left.

The papers were red now.

That was it. I was looking everywhere possible to find Travis. No way in hell is he running away from me like this.

So I slid my shoes on, my hoodie, and sweat pants. My hair wasn't brushed, but I pulled it into a messy bun, and my face was all out of whack. I didn't care.

By the time I was out of my apartment building, I looked at my watch and saw that it was about a quarter to three. Where should I look first?

I stood outside of my apartments for a moment, pondering.

His friend Mike's place. Luckily, I knew where it was, and I was on my way.

It was a long way away. At least 18 blocks, but I had no money and couldn't get on the bus or a cab.

It was getting very cold out now. It had drifted into late October, and the highest temperature for this time of year was 60° on a sunny day. It wasn't. It was overcast and windy.

I pull my hood up and wrap my arms around me when a breeze hit.

People stared at me from under their hats and through their overcoats. I stared at the ground. It was awkward, I could feel their eyes burn into me left and right.

I finally made it to the part of the city that had houses, and started numbering them off.

He's on West Constitution Ave, 2113.

I hurried there. Finally I arrived at the small dirty townhouse. The old white had turned brown, and what small yard there was, was over ran by weeds and tall grass.

The wire gate was bending and turning, having holes in it.

The Windows had bars on them.

I ring the doorbell, and wait.

There were footsteps on the other side of the door, and it swung open.

A tall, skinny man with dark hair stood on the other side. He was pale, and had bright red blemishes and scabs on his skin. His hair was messy, and his clothes were too big for him. His facial grew, patchy and freely.

"Can I help you?" He asks.

"Yeah, uh, is Travis here?"

He scratches his head and looks into his house. From this angle you could see just how red his eyes were.

"He aint here."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

I lean in slightly to try to see what's in his house, which I guess was a bad move, because he pushed me away, and I fell back off of the front door step, catching myself.

"Go away. He's not here." He hisses.

"Fine. I get the point." I say, turning around and leaving.

When he slammed the door, I sat on the curb to collect my thoughts. Where to now?

A few cold drops of rain hit my face, before it starts drizzling. I look up, covering my eyes with my hand.

It was definitely gonna rain worse, dark storm clouds were closing in from the south.

I have to beat the storm before it gets bad. I had to quickly think of another place to go.

"His old workplace." I mumble.

So, with that, I stand up, and practically run.

Not many people were walking now, since it had started raining full-on.

I was the only one on the sidewalk. I had a while to go before I got to his work.

A few blocks later, I arrived. It had been about an hour, and I was soaked. I'd pull my hood up, but that was absolutely drenched.

I looked disgusting when I walked into the neat building, so, in a stupid attempt to look a little better, I slid off my hoodie and approached the front desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The secretary asks.

"Hello, may I please ask if Travis Denver is here?"

"Okay, give me a moment." She says. "How do you spell that?"

"T R A V I S, D E N V E R" I spell it.

"Oh, yes, right here. Office 326."

I stop, and grip onto my hoodie harder.

He lied. He lied. He lied.

"M-may I see him?"

I was in the elevator, and soothing jazz was playing while I stood in silence, starting to go very numb from how cold I was.

Once I was on the 3rd floor, I rush out, and bolt down the hallway towards his office.

The door was shut, and I knock.

"Hold on a minute." He said from behind the door.

I came in anyway, and there were a few men standing in there speaking.

"(Y/n), shit." He stands up, slapping his hands onto the desk.

"Who is this?" One of the men say.

"She's some crazy woman. Damn it, Frisk." He muttered.

"What the fuck is going on??" I cry out. "You said you lost your job??" Tears streamed down my cheeks.

"It's not like that, look-"

The other man spoke.

"You told her what?"

"She's crazy! I'm telling you!!!"

I cover my face with my hand and sob.

A woman rushes in and holds a phone to her ear.

"Sir, should I call security?" She asked him. I turn to her.

She was a tall, thin woman, with long blond hair. Her makeup was done very nicely.

The ring is on her finger.

Not Alone - A Reader(Frisk) x Sans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now