~~~~Chapter 16~~~~

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Your POV

I looked down. Shit, I looked down. Gah...

I felt like I was about to pass out, and I started to grip the wet bar of the rail.

I saw a crowd of people gather hundreds of feet below me, and I press my eyes shut.

I felt a strong wind blow me, and I nearly fall. I heard faded screams below me.

"Oh my god..." I whispered. "What the FUCK am I doing..."

"(Y/n)!! Stop!!!"

Sans was behind me. It startled me, and I jumped around to see him. But, I felt no ground behind me. I nearly fell backwards.

"Don't do this, (y/n), please. I know what I did wrong, I messed up-" he stepped towards me, warily.

"It's not just you." I cried. "Travis was cheating on me the whole time, I-I got kicked out of my apartment... And I lost you. I lost all of you guys."

"Look, I know, Frisk... I know- it's hard... It's really hard, especially when you lose relationships with people... I've lost things... That you could never imagine, (y/n). I've lost... I've lost everyone. " tears fell from his eye sockets. "Please, I can't have this happen again... I can't..."

He stepped towards me again, and I- instinctively, stepped backwards.

His eyes widened, and so did mine and I fell. All I saw were Windows rapidly passing me as I grew closer and closer to the ground. My limbs go numb. Yes, I'm okay with this. I close my eyes.

Until I stop, and suddenly I'm in a pile of flowers.



Oh my god.

The memories flooded back.

Oh my god.

Sans. No...

I'm so sorry.

Oh, God.

Toriel.... Papyrus.... Flowey..

I was the one the fell...

I remember....

I stuck in the air, as if I were laying on the ground, but I wasn't. People watched out the window I was right outside of, and screamed. I wasn't moving... But... I was floating.

No... I was so close.

I flip around, and see Sans looking down at me. No...

He jumped.


He crashed into me, still 50 ft off of the ground. Wrapping his arms around me, we flipped, and I laid on top of him. He hugged me tight. I was still shocked.

That's when I notice a blue light around us. That... Was his power, wasn't it?

Tears fell from my eyes, and I bared my teeth. I wanted him to let go of me.

I clawed at his chest, and kicked at him. I screamed, and I did everything in my power to get him to let go of me.

"Let go! Let me go..."

He just held me. So, I stopped, and gave up.

I let my face fall onto his chest. Small whimpers leave me.

"I remember, Sans."

He lifted his head and looked at me.

Without saying anything, we lowered to the sidewalk beneath us, and people made a clearing

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Without saying anything, we lowered to the sidewalk beneath us, and people made a clearing.

We landed, and he let go of me.

Despite everyone's cheers, we just stared in silence.

He tucked the sheet under the corners of his mattress, and neatly placed his blanket over it.

"Here ya go." He said, patting it, and sitting on the side of the bed.

I didn't wanna take Sans' bed, but he insisted on it.

"Are you sure?" I ask once more, and he nods.

I climb into the huge bed, and he pulls the covers over me. The pillow was huge, but I tested my head on it anyway. I somewhat expected him to leave after that, but he didn't.

He sat there, as I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

After almost an hour passed of this, I sighed and sat up.

"Give up trying?" He asked

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"Give up trying?" He asked.

"Why is it so hard to sleep all of the sudden?" I ask, flipping myself over to look at him.

"I kinda expected you to have some trouble." He smiled.

"I'm sorry."


"For... Everything. Killing everyone.... Over and over and over.... Chara..."

"Hey, shhh..." He leaned over and pressed his .... Teeth? Against my forehead.

I smile through the tears.

"I don't think I'm gonna sleep tonight." I say, sliding myself to the edge of the bed.

"Let's go do something." I stand up, wiping my sweaty hands off onto my- well... His pants. "Let's play some video games. You got an Xbox?"

"Nah, I've got a game cube though." He smiled. " 's in the attic though."

"Nah, let's make some food."

I grab Sans' hand, without even thinking. I feel my face grow bright red while I lead him out of the room. I don't know why I am doing this, but I'm not about stop....

So we walk down the stairs and through the living room, into the kitchen.


The wall was completely stacked with alcohols, and some hella fancy shit. I do a 360.

The tile of the floor is a dark brown, and the kitchen counters are beige and brown marble. Fake ivy vines weave through the cupboards, and all around the ceiling wall paper with some different pastas are stuck. This was so Italian.

"Heheh, yeah the bar is a pretty well paying job. Plus, papyrus is a security guard at the air port, that pays pretty well, too." He explained, walking around to the fridge.

I look inside of the fridge, standing beside him.

There was one shelf completely filled with ketchup bottles.


"I like ketchup."

"But, but..."

"I really like ketchup."

Not Alone - A Reader(Frisk) x Sans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now