~~~~Chapter 5~~~~

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I sat on Em's soft bed, hugging her fuzzy red pillow close.

"-and now the ring's gone." I sigh, burying my face in the pillow. It smelled like vanilla?

"Well, you know what I think." She said, scratching her head. "I think you should confront him about it. But like, ask cluelessly."

I shake my head.

"I don't even  know if I want to marry him anymore. " I sigh once again. "I just wanna forget about it all."

"Let's go out tonight." She smiles, rubbing my back.

"That sounds good, but I just had an awful hangover this morning. No drinking for me." I smile at her, and wink.
She hops off of the bed and skids along her vibrant pink carpet to her closet.

"I think I have something that'll fit you." She says. She surfs through her closet, pulling out a tight-fitting maroon dress. It was cut just above the knees and has spaghetti straps.

"Uh, have anything blue?" I ask, feeling a bit selfish.

She takes the dress from me, and hangs it up onto the door of her closet.

"I'll wear that one then." She spoke.

She returned to her closet and browsed some more. I was surprised that the clothes weren't color coated. She seemed like the kind of girl who would do that.

"How about this?" She held out a short dark-blue dress that stuck out a bit at the bottom. The straps were still thin, but thicker than the other one's. I can dig it.

I take it out of her hand and slip it off of the hook. She watched as I slid my shirt off over my head and climbed out of my pants.

I pulled the dress onto me and turned towards the mirror. It hugged my form all the way down to my hip bones, where it started frill-ing outward. It hung quite a bit over my knees.

"You can wear pretty much any shoes with that. It's so casual, you can even wear your combat boots with it." She stated.

"I think I will."

We danced on the dance floor, keeping each other close enough to stay safe. It was unspoken, so I wasn't allowed to be offended when she had to use the bathroom, and left me there.

That's when I found myself alone at the bar, sitting  and staring at all of the bright lights. The bar tender was getting his stuff together.

"Leaving so soon?" I ask him.

"Heck, I've been working all day." He laughed. "The night shifter is coming in soon, hopefully. I can't wait much longer. "

I scratch my chin in thought.

"I'd cover for you until he gets here, but don't you need hella schooling to?" I say.

"Honestly, if you're up for it. There's a laminated piece of paper hung behind the bar with all of the ingredients for certain drinks on it." He says, lifting it up and showing me.

"Well, then sweet. I'll do it!" I stand up off of my seat and walk behind the counter. He stands beside me.

"Most people just order tequila, vodka, and beer. Anything else? It's on here. If it's not? We don't have it."

I nod, and he picks up his bag and leaves. I wave, and so does he.

A woman wandered into the building and took a seat at the bar.

"Hey, you the bartender?" She asks. She had some foreign accent.

"Sorta. What can I get for you?" I ask.

"Ugh, I've got no idea. A martini?"

"I can do that." I say, surfing the pamphlet.  "Ah, not hard at all."

I turn around and make her a martini and flick a little olive in it, and slide it across the counter at her.

But, when I made the attempt, it fell over and spilt all over her.

"Aw! What the fuck?!" She yelled, and then she said something in another language.

She threw her glass at me, and it, being thin, shattered all over the hand I used to try an catch it.

She had stormed off into the bathroom as I desperately held my hand to the fabric of my dress.

Fuck fuck fuck...

Em walked out of the bathroom as the girl walked in.

"What's all this?" She ran up to the bar. "Why are you behind the bar? " she gasps. "What's wrong with your hand?!"

I look down at it, and it's bleeding much more than I thought it would have.

"Uh- can you- uh." I began to feel dizzy, and without finishing my sentence, I toppled over the counter. Everyone in the room froze as the music continued to play. I lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I wasn't in my house. I was still at the bar. I wasn't sure why that surprised me?

I look at my hand, and notice that it's wrapped up in bandages. I look around me. The bar is empty, besides for both Em and Sans!

I was happy to see him.

I sit up.

"Hey." I say, waving at them.

"Oh my god, (y/n), I mean, uh, Frisk are you alright? I've never seen someone pass out like that." Em freaked out, Sans walked over to me.

"Ya made me have to close early tonight." He looked down at me. "Thanks, kid."

I stand up, but place my good hand on the counter, still being slightly dizzy.

"Why were ya minding the bar?" He asked.

"I wanna know too." She added.

"Well, whoever had the day shift today asked me to cover him until- well. I guess Sans got here. And, literally the first person who came here and asked for a drink, I got her it, but I messed up when I tried to be cool, and slid it to her. It spilled all over her dress. She threw her glass at me, and I guess it broke on my hand and made me bleed. It's my fault for trying so hard." I say, scratching my head.

"Is that why she freaked out so much? Her dress was ugly anyway." She laughed. Sans, however, didn't. He took a hold of my hand in its makeshift cast, and inspected it carefully.

"Does it hurt?"

"Not too bad." I say, until he presses a spot, and I nearly hiss. He takes his hat off and places it on the counter.

"The buses aren't running anymore, Frisk, I don't know how we are getting home. It's 3 am." She was so nervous. I waved it off and sat down.

"We're gonna be fine. Right now, I just want something to drink."

"Really, Frisk? Really?" Em smirked.

"No, not alcoholic. You act like that's all I drink." I laugh.

"Alright, let's not get ahead of ourselves." Sans said, flicking my forehead. "Can you walk?"

I stand up and start walking normally.

Until I fall backwards, straight into Sans. He hooks his bony arms up from under my arms, holding me up.

"I'll take that as a nope." He says. "First things first, let's get you home."

Em and Sans practically carried me to his car, where they allowed me to throw myself into the seat, where I adjusted the seat backwards to nap. I couldn't.

Sans sat in the drivers seat, and turned up the music. It was soothing jazz. The melody is what finally eased me into sleep.

Not Alone - A Reader(Frisk) x Sans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now