~~~~Chapter 18~~~~

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I fiddle my thumbs together.

"I'm sorry." I say, looking at him.

He doesn't say anything.

I look over at the television. An MTT commercial was on.

I feel a hand grab mine, and run a thumb back and forth on mine.

I look at him, and he's watching my hand. I follow his gaze and it lands on the scars left on it. I laugh nervously.

"I was stupid. I tried to be cool."

"You know, I did too. Back in Snowdin, Hot Land, eh. I always teleported to look cool. I had all of my puns ready. The time I piled hotdogs on your head?" He smiled.

"Yeah." I place my hand into his lap, and adjust my legs to be cross-cross. "But I mostly remember the bad times. When Chara possessed me."

"They're over." He squeezed my hand, intertwining our fingers. "He was finally put to rest."

I nod, and lean my head onto his arm. He lifts it, and wraps it around me. He smelled awesome. Like, I have no idea how to describe it.

But, images of him killing me... Snapping my bones, stabbing me... I can almost see the glowing eye of his. I close my eyes and bury my face into his chest.

"Hey." He said, scooping me up I rigid lap.

I look at him, and he watches the tv. I turn to watch it, too.

And he moves, so I sit up. He looks like he's about to stand up,

But instead, he kisses me.

I try to back up, but he comes with me

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I try to back up, but he comes with me. The surprise starts to dull down, and I allow my eyes to close.

He wraps his large arms around me, pulling me in, and I wrap mine around his neck.

Wait, was this even considered kissing? He had no lips... I guess it's more like me mashing my lips against his teeth...?

Anyway, that sure doesn't mean that he doesn't have a tongue.

He pulled away, and looked at me, I looked at him, absolutely amazed. He looked flustered, and embarrassed.

And of course, I started crying.

And of course, I started crying

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He smiled, and the blush on his cheeks nearly solidified

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He smiled, and the blush on his cheeks nearly solidified.

"Why are you crying?" He cupped my face, "you're going to make me cry!"

"Why are you crying?" He cupped my face, "you're going to make me cry!"

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Alrighty guys, sorry this chapter is again, very short

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Alrighty guys, sorry this chapter is again, very short. But this time I spent more of my focus on the drawing, which I don't very much like the outcome. I think that I'll only do one whenever I decide to draw for a chapter. But what do I know? Lol. But anyway, things are getting stuffy in here, so I'll get working on the next chapter ;)

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