~~~~Chapter 7~~~~

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He sat at the table, sipping at his drink and chewing on his bacon. I stand in the kitchen, wiping away sweat.

The pancake batter sizzles on the pan. Bubbles rise on the uncooked side, and I flip it. The heat from the stove causes me to sweat pretty badly.

When I was done, I slide the very last pancake onto the last plate. I squirt some maple syrup on either, and then return to the table, sliding the plate to Travis. This time, it worked.

"So, how much did you get for the ring?" I ask, poking at the fluffy pancake on my plate with a fork. He didn't answer immediately.

"Three hundred." He replies, a few moments later.

I nod. I had completely scarfed down most of my food at this point, so I stood up, and tossed it out.

It had been a day, and I have work in the next morning. I lay on my couch, aimlessly flipping through the TV channels.

My phone vibrates on the coffee table. I reach over, grab it, and turn it on. It was a text message.

Sans: Heya, it's Sans.

I raise an eyebrow and smile, texting back.

Me: Hey, how'd you get my number?

Sans: Alphys hit me up with it.

Did he ask Alphys for my number??? I feel my face grow hot, but I immediately force myself to stop freaking out.

Sans: What are you up to?

Me: Nothing much, laying around and watching tv. Mentally preparing for work tomorrow.

Sans: Can I drop the proper grammar now?

Me: Sure lol

Sans: awesome do u wanna come to the dinner we r having

What dinner? Was it with his family? His friends? I'm going to call him, it'll be easier.

I rang his phone, and rested my eyes.

"Heya." He answered.

"Hey, what dinner?" I ask.

"One with my pals and brother. Nothing special. Just wanna get together every month or so after the burier was broken."

"Ah, then sure. What day is it?"

"Tomorrow at 6 pm."

I didn't know expect it to be that soon. I mean, I guess it could have been today. Leaning over to couch, I groan a little bit.

"I'll go. Okay." I grumble.

"If you don't wanna, you don't have to."  He said softly.

"Nah, I'll go, I just have work until 5:30. I'll have to go straight there from work." I explain.

"I'll pick you up."

"You don't have to."

"I wanna."

I open my eyes, my peaceful sleep interrupted by my loud and painful alarm clock. I had set my alarm to the "old phone" setting, and now I just cringe every time I hear that ring.  The ring that takes away what i love- sleeping.

I roll out of bed, and pull on the outfit that I already had laid out for today. Something casual enough for the dinner, but professional enough for work.

It was a white blouse, and a black pencil skirt, though, the skirt had pockets. It made it a lot less professional.

To top it off, some slide-ons.

I decided to walk to work, since it was early October and the weather was absolutely gorgeous in the mornings.

Leaving the apartment building, the cool air hit me. Oh, I loved it so much.

Not many people crowded the streets this morning, though they were still crowded.

I strolled down the sidewalk with ease. Clearly, I have done this before.

I pass stores, noticing Halloween decorations clustering around. Pumpkins are laid outside of stores. Small hay stacks, too. Cobwebs are woven wherever they stick, and people hung cute little pictures of ghosts and witches in their windows.

As I passed one, I turned my head towards a window beside me, noticing a small photo of a skeleton dancing. I grin. I was excited.

Hello guys. I know this story isn't nearly as big as my other ones, but I'm just apologizing for writing this so boringly! I feel like it's really boring, so I'll try to fix that.
On an unrelated note, I'll also be working my ass off on this Mettaton EX cosplay to have it done on time by Saturday and Sunday.
(I'm going to NYCC!)
Anyway, please enjoy the story. I've got a really cool plan for it.

Not Alone - A Reader(Frisk) x Sans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now