Waking Up

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     Blinding light shines directly on my face as I attempt to open my eyes. I move my arms and freeze as searing pain shoots up and down my whole body. I change my mind and decide to lie still for a while. My head thunders and I can't focus. Where am I? I don't know. I don't remember. My eyes finally open and I squint at my surroundings. A bridge stands at my right side. Turning my head, I see an old convenience store and glimpses of a river that must be behind me. I groan and my hands go to my aching head. Where the heck am I? I don't know. I don't remember. I take my hands away from my head and I look at them, suddenly shocked with a realization. I had no idea where I was, when I was, or who I was. Who am I? I don't know. I don't remember.

Shaking and raking my empty brain, searching for any memory of my life; any clue to who I was, I stood up. A sudden weight pulled me back to the ground. Startled, I turned and saw a flash of light grey feathers before they disappeared again. Reaching behind myself, my hands met what felt like wings. I have wings? Since when do I have wings? I felt so confused as I pulled myself from the ground once more, this time conscious of the extra weight. I started walking, dazed and confused. What am I? Am I a mutant or something? Frightened and uncomfortable, even in my own thoughts, I ran until everything went white and I lost consciousness.


Waking up, I rolled to my side and groaned. My eyes opened to see sunlight filtering through an old, cracked window. I was on a bed that had old, stained sheets covering it. Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I flipped around and squeaked. An older woman was there. She had an ice pack in her hand and she handed it to me. "Feeling any better, dear?" Her eyes were kind as she went to rummage through a bag on the side table.

After a moment of thinking, I replied. "W-who are y-you?" My own voice was new and strange to me. The woman answered me.

"My name is Susan Rockley. You hit your head pretty hard, you should use that pack." Obeying, I winced at the feeling of cold on my head. I watched her take out a long, thin flashlight and turn it on. Shining it in each of my eyes, she continued. "The boys found you wandering the downtown areas. They said you looked lost and absent-minded. Are you okay? What were you doing out in the open?" I tried to process her words, but it just wouldn't compute in my foggy mind. The boys? Downtown? What was I doing out in the open? Where am I? Who am I? Ugh, my head. Tears fall down my face as I struggle to understand. Suddenly ashamed of myself, I dry my eyes and speak clearly.

"I'm sorry. I'm not sure where I am. I'm not even sure who I am or what I was doing under the bridge... Where am I?"

Susan Rockley sat on a chair and folded her hands, as if ready to tell a story. "My child." She began. "Years ago, my parents ran this hotel. It wasn't overly popular or successful, but it managed to get them an early retirement. When they retired, they shut down the hotel and it has been so-called 'vacant' since then. I grew up to become a medical physician, but later became more interested in genetic research. At that time, the lab I was working in had made a fantastic discovery. They had found a chemical that made gene-splicing so effective that they could even cross different blood temperatures, animal kingdoms, and creatures with or without backbones. They had experimented on several animal subjects and were going to try it on a human. The first volunteer was my intern, Henry. He was so excited for this scientific breakthrough that he didn't weigh the risks." Her eyes went misty. 

"Unfortunately, the procedure was unsuccessful and I did not see my young friend for several more years. When I did meet him again, he was disfigured and hiding from the world. His free life had been taken away and now, even his shelter, food, and fellowship with people had been taken from him. For two weeks I let him stay in my house. His health was so destroyed by years on the streets, however, that he... he died in my guest bedroom while I sat by his side." She wiped her eyes. "I made him a promise, dear. I promised him that I would find as many genetically tampered, mutated, or disfigured people as I possibly could, and that I would take care of them, supplying all their needs. I also promised that I would find a cure for it, and give everyone the freedom to return to their former lives if they wished."

Taking a deep breath, she motioned to the room. "This is the hotel my parents maintained. It is also where I keep my first promise. I have found so many amazing people that have kept themselves hidden from society. Those who have wished it have come to stay in this safe-haven. I work in the lab in the mornings, and come here with food in the later hours of the day. When you feel better, you may go and meet the other boys and girls like you. Also, if you want, I will give you a room with a suitable roommate. But for now, you must rest."

I lay there, processing as she patted my shoulder and then walked to the door. Opening it to exit, she mumbled to herself. "Perhaps Francis?"

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