Donatello's House

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        Evening was slowly passing, my roommate was helping in the kitchen, and I stood in my room alone. I put all my favorite books and some of Susan's stuff in a messenger bag and opened my window. I had never flown with a heavy bag before, but there's a first time for everything. I stepped out onto the roof and got a running start. Leaping off the edge, I kept one hand on the bag to keep the contents from falling out and spread my wings. The cool air felt nice and I enjoyed a peaceful flight to East Manhattan.

I remembered Donatello saying that his family lived in the sewers underneath a home appliance store. I found a manhole on the street outside of one and I lifted up the cover. It was awkward and heavy, but I was soon wriggling through the hole and dropping to the lower level. Sliding the cover back in place, I flicked Susan's flashlight on. I had expected it to be full of gross water and grime, but it was surprisingly clear. Walking through the tunnels, I turned this way and that. I found lots of pizza crusts tossed on the floor in a tunnel and took it as a sign. Apparently, he and his family ate a lot of pizza, so I figured I was getting close. I saw a faint light down another sewer pipe and felt a moment of hesitation. Donnie hadn't really given me a specific day to come visit, and I felt bad just dropping in. I heard a voice and reminded myself to be friendly before rounding the corner.


I almost expected to see them all in front of me when I walked into the insanely decorated, lit up, and graffiti-filled room. Much to my disappointment there was no one to be seen. Even so, I stepped around quietly, knowing that Donnie and his brothers were ninjas and trained by their father. I was delighted to find a big skate bowl in the center of the room. I found a hallway and searched for any sign of life. I turned another corner and froze.

There he was. Donatello was seated in a chair made of skateboards and typing the living snot out of a keyboard. A myriad of screens were anchored to the wall. Some looked like they were connected to security cameras and some had maps. Others just had code scrawled all over it.

He mumbled inaudibly and swiveled his chair to another keyboard. He took off one head set and replaced it with another one. He looked extremely focused. I took a moment to watch him. This is what he does when he's all alone. I caught myself grinning and I contemplated sneaking up behind him and scaring him to death. Deciding not to, I instead whispered. "Donnie... Donnie?" ;raising my voice slightly each time. "Donnie!" His head twitched and I waited for him to turn around and be startled. How irritated I was when he didn't.

I found a screw on the shelf beside me and threw it on his desk. He jerked and whipped around. His eyes went wide when he saw me. With a squeak that wasn't quite like a girl, but wasn't like a man either, he gasped. "Angel! Oh my gosh, you scared me!" Taking off the headset, he stammered. "W-well I mean you didn't scare me, but... What are you doing here?"

He was so adorable I had to laugh. "Well, I'm here to check out your lab. Did you forget?"

He scuffed one of his feet on the floor and scoffed. "No way. I couldn't forget you if I tried!" His hands got all twitchy and he added, nervously. "I-I mean that I wasn't sure if you really would want to come over, or see me, or... Oh boy... Um." Rubbing his head he confessed. "You should know that... I haven't exactly told them about you yet. B-but I will and they will like you!" He held his hands open, reassuringly.

"Hmm. Okay! Where is your lab, by the way?" I walked around his nerd-cave, admiring the décor.

He sort of relaxed a bit and said. "It's this way. I think you'll like it." He showed me the lab. It was basically a Bunsen burner, vials, and bottles of chemicals set up on a table littered with papers covered in notes. The rest of the room was filled with shelving that had random junk shoved in it.

"I've been spending a lot of time here, lately." He explained, motioning to the mess. "I have tried everything, it seems. Nothing works out, though." The depressed expression on his face vanished when he turned to me, suddenly. "So, you said you were interested in medicine? You want to be a doctor or something like that?"

The word rang in my head like a bell. Doctor. I hadn't put a label on whatever I wanted to become, but doctor sounded so right. I want to become a doctor? I put a smile on. "Something like that."

"Cool. I don't know much about that sort of thing, but you can use anything of mine you need." Awww...

"Thanks, Donnie." Staring at the lab table, I asked. "What were you working on, again?"

"A cure for mutation." He quoted. "It's not going well."

"Yeah... that's right. I remember now..." Walking back into the room with the screens, I added. "W-why do you want a cure for that?" He twiddled his thumbs.

"It's a long story."

Turning the skateboard chair around, I sat down and crossed my legs. "I've got time."


"Oh... That makes more sense." I was amazed at how much I could not know about. An organization called the MEI had taken many people as prisoners and mutated them. Donnie had taken the responsibility of finding a cure, so that the humans could have their lives and homes back.

I grinned at my fellow nerd. "You're more impressive than I thought." He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by a loud bang. Donnie jumped and then whispered.

"They're back!"

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