Deep In Thought

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        I stretch out on my bed, bouncing my feet to a song on the stereo. I've already finished the book series I had started reading a few days ago. I had me up all night, glued to the pages. I couldn't get enough or put it down, so I finished it pretty quickly. Now I was plowing through on of Susan's medical books. I was already halfway through it when Frankie came in. She stretched her wings out and they reached the walls on either side of the room. Days before, we had compared our wings and found that I am slightly taller in height and two feet longer in wing span. After her stretch, she started shaking to the song playing. She tripped over her feet and fell onto my bed. We laughed for a minute and then she huffed. "'Medical Terminology, Cases, and Symptoms'? How can you read that?"

"It's very interesting. I like it. Hey, did you know that Huntington's disease is hereditary? I don't know how I didn't know that before... it's... were..." Getting lost in the fascinating network of knowledge, again, I ignored Frankie's ranting on it having no pictures or something.

Twenty minutes later, I finished it. Setting it on the dresser, I stared at Frankie's Labyrinth poster with David Bowie dressed up as Jareth. I was lost in thought when Frankie came out of the closet for the eighth time. She was holding a sparkly pink shirt and a frilly, green blouse and asking me which she should wear.

Still staring at the wall and thinking, I pondered flight. "Frankie... have you ever... flown? Have you ever tried flying?" I sat, thinking. I felt her sit down.

"Yeah. I've flown several times, though I prefer not to. I find it difficult." She petted my feathers. "Why? Do you want to try it? We could go flying together."

I nodded. "Yes, I want to try flying." She stood up and offered me her hand. I took it and we ran off giggling. I was going to fly.

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