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        My plan had worked. The dramatic decrease in population had given the hotel a much bigger daily calorie count and days of survival left; and I felt like a genius. My strength had returned, and the atmosphere was so much lighter and more hopeful. Joseph turned 10 the previous day. Frankie and I threw a small party, much to his embarrassment.

Slick had kept to himself, seeming depressed and forlorn since Ruby took off. Almost feeling sad for him, I stopped watching him as closely as I had been.

The ninja turtle, Donatello had been on my mind in every spare moment. If I were honest with myself, I really did want to see him again. I wanted to read his Quantum Mechanics book, play with chemicals, and meet his family. But his goal was still puzzling to me. Why on earth would you spend your time and effort to find a cure for mutation? If I had the time and the means, I would search for a cure for cancer, or Altzimer's disease, or something useful like that.

It was night time and I lay on my bed, medical procedures running through my head. I was thinking about the little girl who lived in the hotel. Her name was Anna and she had started chocking on a bite of a sandwich a few days ago. I was at her side in a moment when I had heard her gagging. When people are chocking, it can help to lift their left arm straight into the air. Donnie's eyes are very pretty. Their upper-body anatomy shifts, allowing food to be swallowed easily. It worked fine. And his smile is so cute. What? I can't wait to see him again. My mind is strange.

I think back on when I first met my turtle friend. He was adorable and polite while I was so stupid... Tripping over myself like that. A bright light flashes in my face and my dreamy smile pinches into a scowl as I squint at Frankie.

"You're thinking about that turtle hottie, AREN'T you!?" She shined the flashlight on herself. I blinked my eyes hard, trying to adjust. "You LIKE him!!" She shouted, probably waking the whole building.

"No! Shut up!" I threw a sock at her and rolled my eyes.

"Suuuure..." She turned the light off and laughed, wrapping herself in her blanket and going back to sleep.

Rolling to my side, I faced the wall. I put the blanket over my face and mentally slapped myself, trying with all my might to wipe the stupid grin off my face. Pushing my nose into my pillow, I giggled as quietly as possible. I fell asleep planning my get away to the sewers.

TMNT-ANGEL Part 1Where stories live. Discover now