New Home/New Self

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        I had dragged Frankie and Joseph's bodies away from the burning building, in case the fire department showed up. As awful as it sounds, I dropped their corpses into a ditch near the playground, where I had first learned to fly. Then I covered them with bark chips, crying the whole time. I'm not sure why I felt the need to bury them there, but I did. When I couldn't see them anymore, I sat down in the brushes and sobbed. What a day. I found out who I was, only to discover that I was an abused genius that murdered her father, who mutated me. Then I find that my home had been rampaged and burned down and my dearest and closest friends killed in the process.

I was homeless, alone, and confused. Man, I hate being confused! Not only did I feel confused, I held the weight of guilt. I had killed my own father and left my home defenseless in order to fulfill my own desires and wishes. I raked my hands through my hair. I'm such a selfish, angry person! Why am I like this?! Suddenly the words echoed in my head.

"Isolation is the lifestyle of separating yourself from the outside world and dwelling in an exclusive environment to examine your personal thoughts and feelings to further understand your own mind and heart and improve the way you process the world and its people."

I had to be alone. I wanted to be alone. I needed to hide. But where will I go? I wasn't sure... But I knew I couldn't sit there any longer. I got a running start before leaping into the air.


My mind was caught in a heavy cloud when I flew over Manhattan. I was staring at the sunset and biting my tears back. I saw the high-reaching towers of a cathedral-styled church. My shoulders hurt and I dove down towards it. My landings were getting more graceful every day. I walked to the edge of the tower and gazed at the miniature street vehicles and crowds of people below. I felt hidden and isolated. I turned from the edge and wandered the spacious tower. Finding a small, dusty staircase, I stepped down it and dropped into the tower.

Looking around, my eyes made out a little room in the heavy dust. There was no other door or way in besides the stairs. I saw an old tarp in the corner. I lifted it up and found a pile of musty straw, of all things. Returning the tarp to its place, I sat down on it. The room was extremely... No, insanely dusty. But sitting there, I felt that it was right for me. Fatigue overtook me and I lay down. Perhaps later, I could set up a little bed and some sort of table, or bookshelf... Either way, I was comforted. I had found a home; a place to be alone.

THE END of Part One

Angel lives in her tower for nearly a year, finding food and books in dumpsters... Even returning again to Rockley's laboratory to salvage equipment from the other rooms and labs. She keeps a journal and diligently searches her soul, organizing her thoughts and feelings and sorting her way through the bedraggled mess her heart was in... All the time, meditating and learning more medical knowledge, desperate to somehow repay the debt she believed she owed and rid herself of the guilt and blame she put on her own shoulders.

Angel comes in contact with very few souls in that time.

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