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*4 days later

We have only a few days left on this honeymoon and honestly, it has been the best of the best. Getting endless calls from people regarding our wedding, talking to my best friend, John and spending our honeymoon to a bliss, visiting the wonderful sites of the Bahamas and understanding its culture.

Today, we planned to have a brunch this morning so John and I are getting ready to be on this adventure today. We found a nice diner area by our hotel and decided to have it there.

As we were walking, we got in contact with a couple, The Davis. The two have been married for the past 4 years and were expecting.

"Morning, sorry afternoon. I am Cole Jacobs and what may I do for you?" The tall, slendered tanned boy asked. "A table for 4 please"Israel Davis noted to Cole. Cole called for a waiter who led us to our table.

We sat down and made our orders. Awaiting our orders, we decided to steer up a conversation to pass time. " So Mr. Davis, tell us how you met your beautiful wife" John asked, taking a sip of his water.

"Well, it all dated back to sophomore year of college and we were best friends from the beginning. We both had economics and bank accounting together. Heather here, came to support me at my games with our friends. We grew up in christian homes but never actually encountered Christ. I mean as college kids, it looks dumb and more on obeying the rules. One night, we messed up bad. We fornicated." Israel stops for a second and looks at Heather.

"We had both contaminated HIV and it was a moment of shock. We knew that it is an incurable disease and were terrified. Long story short, we went to our pastor. Told him everything and he prayed for us. We went for our medical appointment to find that there was no single trace of HIV in our body. And that was how we got saved" Heather finished.

"Glory be to God" I clapped. Just in time, our orders came in.
"How did you and John meet?" Heather asked. I looked at my husband and laughed. "A car accident. He hit me" I pointed at him acting like a young toddler when they got in trouble but knew who started it first. Our table was filling with laughs.

"And from there, I asked her out. And we kicked it off from there" John finished my statement, holding my hand in his.

"I wish we could talk more but I have a meeting to go to and we will be leaving tonight by 7pm. " Israel stated, disappointment in his tone of voice. "We can always keep in touch maybe by the time this young Davis comes in this world" Heather rubs her hands on her stomach and smiling.

"Too soon. I think it was definitely the will of God that brought us together. His Grace is more than enough. Like it says in Psalm 23, my cup runneth over. His goodness and mercy is definitely surrounding us. No one is greater than God" I exclaimed. We all shouted with joys of hoorahs.


I walked into our shower to rinse off the day's worth of adventure. I shampooed and conditioned my hair then decided to let it air dry. Throwing on a loose top and pajama shorts, I sat next to my best friend and we watched re-runs of Criminal Minds.

My phone rang and I picked it up seeing my best friend, Hannah's face on the screen. "Hey best friend" I exclaimed. With the words coming out of the other end, I dropped my phone with my heart in shock.

John looked at me with worried eyes but I couldn't bring myself to speak. "Liv dear, please tell me what happened. What's wrong, darling?" he pleaded.

Why God! Why! was my only response.

Cliffhanger. Sorry. School's almost out in like 4 days or so and I can't wait for summer. More updates. I might as well put my devotional on hold so that my utermost attention is on this book. Thanks for the comments so far.

What do you think Liv heard?

*keep trusting the Lord

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