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I am thinking of making this story a short story. Might finish at 20 chapters. Let me know if you approve of my thoughts.

Liv's POV

We enter the hospital room with our food and hand Andy his. "You guys really didn't have too" he comments as John gives him his Panda Express.

"Andy, no offense but with the way you are at choir practice and your girl is in a coma, you look like a zombie. So we got you food to fuel up." I retaliate.

He laughs and nods. John and I sit down and open our food after we say a short blessing on our food and journey mercies on the way to the hospital.

"Any reports so far on Hannah?" I ask. "The doct---"Andy is interrupted as the door swings open and a doctor walks in. "Hello Andy. Hello to your friends. We have some news for Andy so if you two could please step out".

"I need to know the news also. She is my best friend more like my sister, Doc. No one knows her more than me in this room so I don't think I can take up on your offer." I interject.

"M'am. Our policy states that the one who brought her in get first hand in all news then depending on that person to want to share on the news with his or her peers" The doctor looks at me with no expression.

"Come on, Liv. Andy will tell us so no need for any commotion. Come on" John pulls me out of the room and closes the door. I sigh. Here I am making more issues than needed.

John notices my emotions and rubs my back. "We all know that you have been with her forever and that you guys are more like sisters but Andy will know every inch of her once they get married so it looks more right for him to get the news first. And you heard the policy. Liv, I don't want you to take things into your own hands. Let some people also experience their own hardships. Come on, let's eat".

Tears flow down my cheek and I sigh inwardly. I am such a softie.
"Babe, what's wrong?" John pulls me into him. I hang onto his shirt and let the uncontrollable tears fall. "I don't know really. I have been just emotional lately. I don't know why I am acting like this. Maybe its because I cry easily or like to get things my way. I am causing an unneeded commotion just because of a news that I will get later. And then, you. It still bewilders me why you picked me. And how we correlate together. I tend to be angry easily while you are so calm."

I looked up at him. He stared at me and rested his head on mine. "Guys" someone's voice cut off our moment. I turned to see Andy looking at us. John and I walked into the room with our almost finished Panda Express.

"So the doctor told me that he found a possible cause of her coma." Panic ran through me and I guess John sensed that and held my hand.

Andy looked at my best friend and then at us. Anticipation raced through me as I waited.
"Hannah had a strong loss of blood even though when we got to her apartment, there was no sign of blood. She lost 24 ounces of blood which made her dizzy and she hit the floor hard which caused her skull to have a fracture and possibly brought about the coma." He hesitated to say the rest of the news.

"She will need lots of blood testing to find her the best blood donor and will get surgery starting tomorrow afternoon since we don't want the crack to break even more."

" Does her parents even know about this incident?" John asked.

" Yes. I called them yesterday. Unfortunately they can't make it here so they are sending prayers to her."

"I am actually going to Sydeny this Wednesday so I could tell them the news because it doesn't seem appropriate to call them." John insisted. Andy nodded.

Suddenly I felt a shock waiver through me and I gasped. Panic was written over the guys faces. "Liv, you okay?" John asked. "Just felt something that was shocking." I got up from the chair and went to the restroom.

I inhaled and exhaled. I splashed water on my face and walked out feeling tired. The guys were still talking and I told them that I would be in the car. I took the keys and went to the car, lowered the seat level, turned on the AC to cool and slept.


Someone put me on a cloudy plush and put something warm on my body. I snuggled into the cloth to sleep. Something made the bed sink low and I felt a hand pull me close to the body.

"Liv, just know I love you and can't stop loving you. Thank God for allowing me to hit you in the car accident. I am honestly glad I did."

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