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Been long since we have heard from Olivia's perspective so here you go.

Liv's POV

"We will take those". Hannah told the clerk as we picked the flower bouquet that will be the center piece of her wedding reception.
The clerk picked it up and went to the back to make the order that will be shipped the morning of the wedding.
"That will be $114.57 for 30 centerpieces" the clerk stated. 30 may seem like a small things but the reception tables are long so 30 is quite a large amount.
Hannah payed and we went onto the next part of our wedding errands.

Right now, it was 1:42pm and we haven't eaten since except for me eating a croissant and drinking a glass of orange juice. 
"Food" Hannah said. We went to the food court and looked at the different restaurants around us. We chose Subway. "Honey oat bread, American cheese and grilled" I told the clerk.

Once we got our order, I went to find us a seat since today was crowded. "Here you go" Hannah came back with our orders. I opened mine and took out my water bottle from my bag. I took in a bite and savored the taste of the rich onions and black olives. A must have in any of my order.

My stomach was churning and I placed my hand there. "She must be loving it" Hannah commented and I smiled. "How long is left?" Hannah asked. My baby is supposed to come a few weeks before Hannah's wedding and I was happy about it.

"Around this time. Maybe in a week or two" I replied, sipping my water. I excused myself to use the restroom. Entering the restroom, I smelt something watery and looked around. Nothing around. No spill here.

That could only mean---

Oh shit!!

"My water broke"I yelled in the bathroom. I was about to give birth. Ahh!!

Something hit me hard and I instantly started to sweat. I hate contractions already. Thank God that I had my phone with me. I dialed Hannah phone. "Hannah, I am in labor. Meet me in the restroom" I ended the call and took slow breaths. I could feel my little one squirming inside. Instantly, the door opened and revealed Hannah.

"How are you feeling?" She came to my side and looked at me. "Can you call John to meet us at the nearest hospital?" I told Hannah. She nodded. We walked out of the restroom and went to the parking lot.

Thank God that the restroom was at the back of the store. I don't want to be on the news and the headlines would be 'Woman in labor at Mall'.
I yelled in pain. Labor was freaking hard.

John has to be at my side during everything. He wants to be apart of it all. I am a 100% sure his job will let him on an early lease. "He's calling" Hannah said as she answered the call.

"Is Liv there?" I heard my hubby's voice panicking. "Yea---Ahh!!" I replied. My cervix opening was a huge pain and all I could think about was the fact that women go through this and I am now in their state. All applaud goes to them for this stage in life.

"Babe, hang on. I am on the way. Which hospital?"

"We are going to Texas Children's hospital" Hannah replied. I opened my phone, searched up the hospital and called them. "Amanda from Texas Children's hospital talking. How may I help you?" The chirpy voice asked.

"Can you bring out your people? I am in labor. On the way. Oh My God" I screamed. My water just spread out everywhere in the car. I looked at Hannah and mouthed a small sorry, she just smiled.

We got into the hospital and they put me on a stretcher. They rushed me to the ER and tried to carry me on the bed but that took a long time since my contractions were having a battle with my movements. My back was hurting like crazy and all I wanted was my husband to be with me. I had changed into a paper like blue patient dress and I was drenched in sweat.

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