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John's POV

A cry was heard from the side of Liv's bed. She yawned and hit my arm. "Your turn. I really appreciate it".

I got out from bed and went to pick up Audrey. She looked at me and reached her tiny arms up. "Who's daddy's girl?" I smiled at her and carried her to the kitchen. There, I mixed in the Similac baby formula and added some banana Gerber sauce to her bottle. Sitting down at the dining table, I placed the bottle into Audrey's mouth.

"Mommy and I are tired, Audrey. Very very tired. So we need you to finish drinking this, change your diaper and set you in your crib. We all need to sleep, okay?"

She just stared at me, looked at her bottle and sucked on it. "Good girl" I noted once she finished. She yawned. I look at the back of her butt in her diaper. She wasn't wet yet so I carried her back to our room.

Placing her inside, I turned off the lamp by Liv and went to my bed to sleep.


"Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander. And my faith will be made stronger. In the presence of my saviour" I chuckled as Liv purposely sang off key in the shower.

I am currently changing our little one's diaper. "Liv, I need to take a shower. Come on" I hollered at her.

"Did you dress Audrey yet?" She replied. "I just need her socks" And that was what I did. I slipped on her pink socks underneath her dress.

Once I was done, Liv came out of the bathroom with her makeup looking nice. She still needed to do her hair but she still looked like the lady I laid my eyes on at our incident.

"Take a picture because it lasts longer" she laughed. A rosy blush made its way to my cheeks. "Can't help that you are so beautiful" I knew she wouldn't have a remark to my statement.

I walked into the bathroom and took my shower. Coming out of the bathroom, Liv and our girl, Audrey were cooing at each other. Today is Hannah's wedding so Liv was ready to support her best friend.

Liv's POV

I entered the church and asked the lady for the bride's room. I needed to see my best friend.

"I will meet you in the main congregation" I told John as he took over the stroller.

Walking towards the back, I saw a door labeled 'Bridal party'. I entered and I was in awe. There was my best friend, looking gorgeous as ever getting her makeup done.

She saw me and ran towards me. We twirled in a hug. "Olivia!" She squealed. I laughed at her. "Look at you, Hannah." She twirled around, showing off her beautiful, simple, elegant wedding gown.

"I wish you were part of the wedding. But you know, I wanted to get married fast and get it over with. You came along with my little niece. Where is she?" Hannah asked.

"With John in the main congregation"
I took in the bridesmaids and the maid of honor. Andy's sister was the maid of honor since I couldn't. I was totally happy for them.

"Hey Vanessa" I walked over to her and gave her a hug. "Motherhood glow is popping" she complimented me. I cheesed really hard. A lot of people had been saying that and that was a relief to me. I didn't know that being a mother brought a glow -- maybe it was because I am happy to finally have Audrey in my arms because all I know is that sleep is not in my dictionary.

"The bridal train will be going up in 3 minutes. Everybody, head outside and go with your partner" the wedding planner instructed.

You could tell that Hannah was panicking. I was too when it was my day. "Hannah, I will be heading inside right now but I just want to let you know that this is a huge milestone. So keep your head up and let's get married girl" I eased her anxiety away. "I love you so much, Olivia" she hugged me and I left. I entered the congregation and instantly spotted John with our girl as he was talking with some church members.

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