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Liv's POV

After an hour of being in the room, we decided to head home because one, it was getting late and two, ever since we came, we never ate.

"Andy, we are heading home. It is sort of getting late and we are starving" I stated looking at him staring at Hannah. "Oh sorry. I probably should have bought something." He scratched the back of his hair.

I gave him an assuring smile with a hug. John hugged him. "And Andy, this is just an obstacle. God wants to test your faith in him. Learned that from Pastor George" I encouraged him. Andy smiled and escorted us to our car.

"We'll be back hopefully tomorrow if all goes well." John roared the engine and Andy waved us off until we couldn't see the hospital anymore.

The ride home was silent and it wasn't a comfortable one but very weird. I hadn't noticed that John didn't make the usual turn to our house. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Finding something to eat" he replied in a monotone voice.

I noticed John hadn't been himself lately. Ever since we left the Bahamas, he seemed very off. But he has been comforting me which masks the whole thing. I tried thinking of what happened. "John, you have been acting off for since we left our vacay" I told him.

He didn't reply. Okay. So he is ignoring me. I tried thinking on if I did anything wrong. We left the Bahamas because of the call. I told him what happened. We packed and were on our way here.

Something hit me hard.
I am such a terrible wife.

I turned to him as he was focused on the road. "Baby, I am soooo sorry. I didn't realize that I cut off our vacation. You are probably thinking that I must be a terrible wife or something. I let what happened about the call hinder our vacation that we had put so much money and love into -- well, mostly you. Jonathan Knight, I am sorry. I didn't even realize that until now." I turned to face the window with pity written all over my face.

We finally reached a chick fil A. He parked and I could feel his gaze on me.

I felt his free hand move my chin to face him. He looked at me and smiled. "Hey, it is your best friend and her being in coma is more important than our vacation. As long as I am with you, it is okay. And correction, you are not a terrible wife. You are a fantastic wife and I am more than happy to call you mine" he looked at my eyes and I stared at his blue ones.

Light tears streaked my face as I gave him a hug. "Thank you" I acknowledged as I got out of the car. We both walked into Chick Fil A hand in hand with my face broken into a smile.

I unlocked the door as we entered the house.

John locked it. "You do know that you have to pay me some way because I am not letting you off the hook like that" he smirked as those once blue eyes turned like ice, gazing over my body.

"What do you have in mind John?" I crossed my arms even though I already knew the answer.  Before I knew it, I yelped as my husband carried me into the bedroom as I was ready for the ride of my life.

3am in the morning and I couldn't sleep.

My mind was thinking about Hannah.
I have heard of different cases on where people are seeing the supernatural when they are in such a traumatic state. What if Hannah was seeing God? What if God was talking to her right now?

I looked to my right to see John sleeping away. I noticed how his lip parted a little. How he needed to shave his growing side burns. How his hair was a messy bed head. And the pace of his breathing.

I looked at the ceiling and closed my eyes, talking to God. "Oh Lord, I thank you for starting this two chapters of my life. I am now a married woman who is now dealing with what my best friend is going through. I pray O Lord that you will heal Hannah Morris in Jesus Name."

Sleep started to soothe in so I snuggled into my husband's awaiting arm.

I know that this is extremely short but I had writer's block so I didn't know what to write.


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