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I think I like writing John's point of view more than Liv's. Ok am done. Dedicated to @maryyy_2020 because I love her.

John's POV

So it is Sunday. And me and my wife get to walk in together as a married couple. Last night, me and Liv agreed to tell the pastor to raise an offering for Hannah's medical cost.

Hannah's parents live all the way in Sydney, Australia where I would be going in 3 days. So Andy is pretty much the one paying the medical bills and he is just one guy.

"Come in" Pastor George commanded as I knocked the door to his office.

Me and Liv walked in hand in hand and sat down in the chairs placed in front of his desk. "Morning Pastor George" Liv stated. He nodded.

"What may I do for you?" He placed his pen down and looked at us.
"Well, you may have probably gotten the news about Hannah's situation" I started to say.
"Oh yes I have. And I am sorry to see our sister in the Lord in such a traumatic state".
Liv looked at her knees and I squeezed her hand, comfortably.

"So we were thinking of raising an offering for Hannah because Andy is the only one paying the medical bills and you know he just graduated from medical school so he doesn't have much from him" I finished.

Pastor George got up from his chair and nodded proudly. "Yes. Of course. Let me just call in Bro. Samson because he is taking in offering today".

We thanked him and went to the sanctuary. " I should join the choir" Liv stated once we got separated from the amount of greetings and congrats on our married life from close friends and family in the church.

I pulled her in to me and gave her a short peck on the lips before I allowed her to join her waiting choir members. In a matter of minutes, the service began.

One of the choir leaders came forth and started with worship. He sang 'Passion' by Hillsong Young and Free and you could tell that the whole congregation was moved.

I found myself singing with him.

Your love will never change

Beginning and forever

I sing of your passion won for me

I sing of what your love has done in me

I found you

I love you

(a/n my favorite song from Hillsong Young and Free so I just had to.)

Then we had an intercessory prayer where we called on God's forgiveness.

Then the sermon was thought. Pastor George talked about how to keep the fire burning. It was a great sermon because we had to have a revival for God. We have to have a strong passion for God like he has a passion for us.

"Is there anyone who knows that they are lacking passion for God? Any one who knows that their fire is out? Anyone who wants their fire to keep on burning everyday?" Pastor George stated as he was rounding up his sermon.

A few hands shot up. "Please say after me. O Lord, help me to have passion for you. Help me to seek you more and more. Help me to glorify you in everything that I do. Help me to be on fire for you. And I believe that if you just said that prayer, God is living inside of you".

Bro. Samson went up. "Good morning church." We all replied.

"First, let's congratulate our newly weds. Mr and Mrs. Knight. Our dear brother in the Lord who is a close friend of Pastor George, Jonathan Knight and our beloved sister, Olivia Knight who is part of the awesome choir".

The congregation whistled and thanked the Lord for our marriage. I caught Olivia smiling and I did, too.

"Our offering for today will be slightly different. I know most of you know Hannah Morris and Andy Markins. Those two are very close friends of us. A few of you know the incident that happened with our dear sister. Today we will be taking an offering for Hannah Morris as the choir gives us the hymn".


I opened the door for my dear wife as she entered the car. I closed it and got to my side. "How do you think service was?" She asked me as I drove out of the church parking lot.

"Great. The sermon opened a lot of our eyes and I could tell. And we got over two thousand dollars in offering". I looked at my wife and smiled at her.

"We should get lunch. And some for Andy, too".

I nodded.

We entered the nearest Panda express and I got the fried rice with orange chicken. We ordered some spagetthi for Andy and teriyaki chicken while Liv stated hers.

We got back into my car and were on the way to the hospital.

At first I had major writer's block once I finished writing the part where the couple talks to Pastor George but then this morning, I was like "let me see what my hands can do". So I was just typing.
Thanks for all the sweet comments and votes. Dedicated to maryyy_2020 we talk most of the time and I want to invite her when I get married, someday.
I am looking too much in the future.
Toodles 😊😊😇

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