questions answered

1.1K 51 12

This 'chapter' is to clarify any questions that you have on the book. Actually the series.

What made you start writing this book?
I started to write this book after reading Finally by  teenagechristiangirl
I ended up liking the book so much that I thought to myself "What if I make a book like this?". The stories are really good so I recommend that you read the two books, Finally and Fully.

Did you ever think you wanted to make a book two?
Yes and no. I knew that my readers wanted more of Liv and John but I wasn't really interested in writing about the same people over and over again. That's why I created book two a year later because that gave me time to develop more writing skills and love the characters for who they are.

Are the books going to be published?
I know lots of authors on Wattpad are getting their books published. That's nice but for me, I am kind of still deciding.
God brought us together is under major construction due to my lack of proper writing skills like details and short chapters. I literally update that book at least once a week.
With publishing, one has to really sit down, analyze the whole book from front to back, get editors and write more scenes.

Did you ever think your books will get this far?
No. When I was writing God brought us together, I was so into the book that I would update everyday and I never cared about reads. God is in control, I never really minded because my readers really wanted a book two and I knew they would read the book.
All in all, I still get surprised when I see people from all around the world reading my books. Every day, the reads go up like crazy. I remember one day, I looked at God brought us together and it has 13K+ when it only had 10.3K+ the previous week.
I am thankful for everything from the bottom of my heart.

Are you still going to make books like this?
Probably not. I have two already and plus, I am planning to change up my writing style.

What are tips to increase reads, votes and comments?
Like I stated earlier, I really wasn't focused on gaining reads. I believe the key to success on Wattpad is persistency. Just wait. God brought us together didn't even get a 100 reads until 4 months later. If you regularly update your books, wattpaders will notice and take heed to them.

Are you always going to make christian related books?
Most likely yes. I believe in Christ and want to share that with you all. I am thinking about making just some regular books that don't really focus that much on religion. Not sure yet.

What are some tips for new authors or those who are struggling with writing a book?
1. Listen to music --- this helps a lot. It can help with titles, scenarios or just gives you a time frame to spare than worrying about your fictional character.
2. Reread and write anything --- for me, when I get writers block, I would read the whole book to the point that I get writers block. Writer's block is when the author has no idea on what to write next. By the time I am done, I have something to write down. Sometimes it's just the fact that I don't know how to add that much details.
If rereading the book doesn't help, I write the first sentence that comes to mind.
3. Ask your readers what they think will happen or what they want to see.
4. Take time off but not too long and let your readers know so that they won't get angry at you.
5. Read other books with the same storyline as yours. This will get you ideas but don't steal directly from them. Just notice their plot and get inspiration from there.

What inspired or motivated you to develop these characters?
For Olivia, I knew I wanted her to have some past. Usually in books we read, it seems like it is always the boy that messes up in life and I wanted a twist on that.
I wanted her to appear vulnerable yet strong and willing to take on anything.
For John, I was just led by the story to make him a calm person. A few more years down the road, he would be seen as the best grandfather ever. Like they say opposites attract so I wanted his calm attitude to be with Liv's sudden actions.
For Hannah, I wanted her to be like a friend that you could discuss anything with. If you were feeling down, she will be the one that will instantly turn your frown upside down.
For Andy, I really didn't look into his character until I realized that he should be the one to be vulnerable and show his real feelings. Many expect guys to not have a heart and shouldn't show their emotions. WELL, guys are also human beings and should be allowed to cry all they want to.

If you guys have any questions, comment them down and I will add them :)

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