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I probably deserve a reward for writing chapter 6 to now in just one day. Summer is getting boring so writing just passes time. Okay. Unto the story.

Liv's POV

"M'am?" Someone tapped my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw a man in a white robe staring at me but we were in Hannah's room except Hannah wasn't there.

"Where is Hannah? Where am I?" I asked, adrenaline pumping through me. "Nice to meet you too. I am Samuel. Your guardian angel. I just wanted to let you know that God has seen your request. And your friend, Hannah is doing fine. She heard your request also." The guy looked at me.

"Well, is she coming back now?"

"God determines that. God has everything under control. Your marriage will come together but it will take time. I am only supposed to spend a few minutes with you so I should get going."

I held onto his robe and instantly removed my hand from it because it was like fire. "What about John? Is there anything I need to know?"

Samuel shaked his head. "I told you God is looking at your requests. He will wipe away every cry from your face but I am going to tell you that everything will change for both good and bad but God knows what he is doing." And with that, Samuel placed his hands over my eyes.

I woke up, my chest rising. I just saw an angel. My angel. "Thank you Lord that you hear my pleas and prayers. May your name be exalted high In Jesus name".

I looked at Hannah who was still lying unconscious. " Thank you for telling God my request. I love you so much. And when you wake up, you better tell me how heaven is like. I think we both know I have some unfinished business to handle. Don't worry. I will be back."

I got up and went into my car. This is living played from the album. I parked into a slot in the apartment complex and trodged up the stairs. Unlocking the door, I entered inside my home and locked the door.

John wasn't on the couch like I thought he probably was.

No duh. He obviously had to get up to make dinner and wanted to sleep in bed.

I entered the bedroom and didn't see John on the bed so I went to the bathroom. I opened it to see John's hair wet and a towel wrapped around his waist with an panicked expression on his face. I scared him.

"Sorry". I replied. He turned back to the mirror and took his shaving cream and rubbed it on his side burns.

I sat down on the bathroom countertop and stared at him as he shaved off the cream. " John, I know I probably deserve silent treatment but I am yearning to hear your voice. Did you even read my text?". He nodded.

"Thank you for at least checking it. Yeah, we do need to talk. Maybe once I also wrap up". He washed his face with his soap and put deodorant and Cologne on himself.

"Did you eat anything last night?" I asked. He shaked his head. "Why didn't you tell me?" He raised an eyebrow at me, thinking that I should probably know the answer. "Oh yeah. Silent treatment."

I went to the kitchen, got out some ingredients to make him some blueberry pancakes.

By the time I was done, he came out from the room as I was placing some juice into a glass cup. "The least I could do for now." He nodded.

Taking a quick shower, I shaved my legs and arms and washed my hair. I put on my deodorant and Calvin Klein perfume. I braided my hair into a side fishtail so that once it was dry, I would have defined waves.

I applied mascara, Eos lip balm and some eyebrow filling to my face. I wore a loose carnation pink v neck and joggers. Taking a cool deep breath, I walked out of my room to face telling John everything.

He looked up from eating his pancake and drank down his juice. I sat down across from him and looked at his face. He motioned his head to his pancake.

He is asking if you have eaten.

"Am good. Dinner at my parents were really filling". I smiled at him. He looked at me waiting for me to talk. I started feeling nervous so I stared at my hand. " Where do I begin?" I muttered but loud enough for him to hear.

"Two years before you came into my life, I dated him. Francis Delangos. Head over heels for him. Everyone thought we were going to be together for life. I thought so too. Until one night after a party with our friends. I didn't really know God at this point in time so we were drunk. Like 4 to 7 bottles of alcohol." I took a deep breath.

I blinked back the tears from my face. John held my hands and I smiled. We were somewhat progressing.

"I hate bringing up that night. As drunk people we didn't know what we were doing. This was in college at that time. He was way more drunk than me. All of a sudden, Francis was on top of me and taking off my clothes. I felt so belittled and helpless. I tried pushing him off from me but he knocked me out". My voice got caught up so I got up the dining chair and paced around slowly.

I can't do this. I told myself. John stood up, sat me down, bent down and raised up my chin. "Go on". At least he started talking to me.

" You are probably going to hate me for what I am about to say. John, you might not want to look at me anymore. Divorce me if you have to. My mom told me that I have to tell you this but I know you will want to never talk to me anymore and I am sorry". Tears rolled down my cheeks as I took deep breaths.

"Liv, you know that I am not like that. We need to clear these things up so that we can progress in our marriage. Hey babe, look at me" I looked at him but my mind wasn't focused on him.

"You know I love you no matter what. I will never divorce you. In no way are we or our children going to follow the way of the world" he looked at me with all concern.

My heart fluttered once he said our children.

"Um...," I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt. "I woke up to find myself naked and blood spilled out from my sacred area. I felt so used. I instantly got my things, changed into my clothes and left. That day was so miserable for me" I closed my eyes thinking about the moment.

I could hardly speak through my sobs. "A month passed. And I didn't get any response from him. My body reacted horribly. I felt more tired and then..." I put my hands on my face.

John removed them and placed them in his hands. "Olivia, you need to get through this. You need to break the bondage". I closed my eyes and breathed out. " John, I--I--" I hid my face into my lap and sobbed hard as ever. The same way I sobbed once I had found out the news that day.

"Liv, honey, you are starting to scare me". He used his hand to rub my back.

" I am going to scare you even more " I muttered into my lap. John sighed. "Just say it Liv. You need to get pass through this. If your parents want you to tell me, why are you holding it back?" His voice rose a little.

I felt taken back. This is the first time he had ever risen his voice at me. "Because it's hard to tell the person you love that you once had a child" I yelled back. I ran to the room and cried into the pillow. God, take me now.

Hello guys. Heated argument, I know. You guys this chapter is more than 1300 words. Ever in my book so I have accomplished 2 things today. Wrote chapter 6 to now (chapter 10) in one day. And passed 1300 words. I might try 2000 but now my hand hurts.
#sorrynotsorry about the cliffhanger.

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