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Only a few chapters left and I love writing John's POV.

John's POV

We entered the hospital and told the registrar that we were on our appointment. "Doc. Sanders will be with you in a second" she smiled at us.
I looked at my wife and could tell she was nervous. We made up our mind a few nights that Hannah will be given a gender reveal envelope and she will surprise us with our closest friends and family.
Just a small party to be thrown on Saturday night. "Knight" someone called. That was our cue.

We entered the room and Doc. Sanders smiled at us. "Good afternoon. How was you guys day?" She asked as she led Liv to sit on the stretcher bed. "Good. Did some grocery shopping and spent time at home till we came for our appointment" I answered.

"Well Olivia, I will just tell you to raise up your shirt and I will apply the gel". Doc. Sanders advised. Liv did as she was told. You could tell that Liv was nervous due to how she was holding my hands.

"We decided to not know the gender. So can you send the gender pics and information to one of our friends since she will be throwing a gender reveal bash for us?" I asked. The doctor nodded.

"There is your baby's head. So far, the heart beat is beating at an expected pace. Lungs are still being formed. The eyes....look at the beautiful lips and oh my, those little hands" The doctor was showing us our little one on the screen.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeat?"

Liv and I agreed. Liv's grasp on me was harder. The doctor pressed a button and we heard clear, vibrant heartbeats. "Oh my goodness, John!" Liv exclaimed. I looked at her and saw that she had a few tears in eyes. "I know. Beautiful" I tucked a few stray hairs from her face and smiled at her.

After a few minutes, we were done and had the envelope on our baby's gender. "So tempting to not know the gender" Liv stated as we entered the car on the way to Hannah's.


The party was loud and big. Friends were already at Hannah's apartment. Some were chatting. Others eating. Some looking around.

Paper streams with pink and blue balloons hanged from the ceiling. "There goes my best friend" Hannah ran up to Liv and hugged her, carefully. Liv returned the hug and thanked her friend for the party. "Hello John. Are you excited to find out your child's gender?" Hannah smiled. I nodded.

The best man for my wedding and cousin, Freddie came to me and we chatted. "Look at you about to become a father in a few months" he chuckled next to me as he sipped his red wine. I shaked my head at him, laughing myself. "Crazy man." I replied.

"How's she holding up though?"
"Pretty well but the cravings are so bad. Last night she craved rotten egg. At least the smell of it. This morning, she wanted corn mixed with avocado and salsa. But so far so good. You?" I told him. He looked shocked. "Weird. But am good. Just got accepted to my new job so I am happy".

We made small talk until Hannah clinked a glass to call our attention. "The moment that we have been waiting for is here. Thank you all for coming for the baby shower and gender reveal party. We will be calling up the soon to be parents".

Liv and I walked up to the front were was a cake placed on a glass table. "Cut down the middle. Feed each other bites until you see the color" Hannah gave us a knife and forks. Phones were recording us as Liv cut the cake. She took a fork and I opened my mouth and ate the cake she offered me.
Anticipation raced through everyone in the room. After about 3 more forkfuls between each of us, Liv noticed a color. "Ahh!" She yelled happily. I grinned.

"It's a girl" I announced as I kissed Liv

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"It's a girl" I announced as I kissed Liv.  When we pulled apart, tears were flowing down Liv's face. "This is really happening John. We are going to be parents" she pondered. I nodded as all our well wishers congratulated us on our latest news.

By the time to open gifts, we were exhausted but Liv still wanted to. Diapers, cute clothes, a stroller, Similac, baby pouch and playful toys were given to us. The party lasted about 4 hours. People left one by one and once a few people remained, we decided to leave also.

"Thank you Hannah" I thanked her. Andy couldn't make it since he had to go to work and the traffic was bad right now. "Congrats you guys"she grinned. Earlier on, Freddie and a few others helped place the gifts into our car so we didn't have to.

My wife and I entered our apartment.
Liv huffed out loud as she sat on the couch. "How are you feeling, babe?" I asked her. She turned to me since I was leaning on the wall, arms crossed, looking at her.

"Exhausted but relieved at the same time. Today was good but gosh the temptation with all those sweets. I wanted them so bad. The fact that we have a baby girl coming on the way in 2 months is exciting. I feel so fat. So big. Everyone here as no big tummy and can eat pretty much anything without having to worry about another human being's health. Stressful to sleep since I can only lie down on my left side" Liv pouted as she looked at the floor.

I walked up to her, bent down in front of her and raised her chin up. "Livy, it is part of pregnancy. Gaining weight is required. Sleeping on the left side is important. Don't rush this too fast. De stress. Let's go take a bath"

She smiled and we went to the bathroom. I let the water run in the bathtub and then undressed Liv since she was having trouble unzipping her dress. She took a lush bath bomb and smiled as the water changed color.

"You are going to take a bath with me right? I am not enjoying this fun alone. You know that right" Liv noted as she got into the bathtub. I playfully rolled my eyes at her, took off my clothes and entered the bathtub.

We faced each other and I looked at Liv playing with the water. "What's on your mind, baby girl?" I asked. She looked up and then at the water. "Heard many things about giving birth. Vaginal birth is the worst to explain. Your vagina needs to tear but some women have torn theirs excessively and had to get it stitched up. Cervix has to be open 10 cm and a few women die from the terrible contractions. And contractions are really bad. It feels like period cramps but worse. The mother's organs shift in place because the fetus grows insanely huge. The mother becomes breathless since the baby is taking in what she is taking in. Baby can have a strain on the heart and I am--" I splashed the water at her face. Her face was shook.

"John! What did you do that for?"

"Are you hearing yourself right now? Millions of women give birth and they still have more children. No one in our family line has died giving birth. Women go through this everyday and are fine. You worry too much" I rolled my eyes at her.

Liv looked down at the water and touched her stomach underneath the foamy water. Her face was scrunched up and looked at me instantly. She grabbed my hands and placed them there. I didn't know what she was doing so I waited.

Something hit my palm. "Is that what I think it is?" I asked. She nodded. Our little one was kicking. "So beautiful" I stated.
"A daddy's girl" Liv murmured.
"How would you know?" I asked.
"She only reacted to you touching my stomach" She responded with attitude.

"You, Mrs. Knight are going to get a spanking. You need a really good one, too. You worry too much and don't get an attitude with me. " I pointed at her and threw water at her. "Are you really going to spank me?" Laughter laced in her voice.

"Maybe" I smirked.

Liv was laughing really hard. "Get your head out of the gutter, Mr." She smacked my head and took her loofah to wash her body.
I just stared at her and took in every inch of her movement. 

I kissed my dear love good night as I went to my bed to sleep. Today was tiring but I was prepared for the journey ahead of us.

Only a few chapters left. I love everyone of you.

Bye 👋👋

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