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John's POV

The time we got to the hospital was 2 hours after Andy texted so we were praying inwardly that the doctors hadn't discharged her yet.

We got to her room and saw Andy confronting a few medical personnels. "Please let me just have her for 20 minutes then you can". Andy was telling them but it looked like the doctors and nurses were not having it.

Liv and I entered the room and all heads turned. "Doctors, just give us 20 minutes and that is all we ask for. Then you can discharge her." Liv interjected.

Surprisingly, the doctors allowed her request and excused themselves. "Thank you" Andy stated once they left. Liv smiled a weak smile. Silence filled the room as we all looked at Hannah.

"Our Heavenly Father, we thank you for all that you have done. We thank you because you have given us the power to overcome all principalities. We are able to cast out demons and spirits in your name. We give you all the glory. God, we pray that Hannah will be healed. We pray that everything will go well. We pray that she will come alive right now. We pray that you will heal every part of Hannah's system. We ask O Lord God that if Hannah is with you in heaven, that please we need her here on earth. O Lor-" Andy was cut off as we heard a sneeze.

We all looked at the hospital bed and saw Hannah's monitor beeping really loudly. "Doctor. Someone call for the doctor" Liv was shouting as she went out of the hospital.

I was smiling onto the heavens. God answers the prayer of his children. "Thank you, God" Andy and I stated. 3 doctors came rushing in. Everything went by fast.

We were told to leave the room. The doctors were talking to Hannah and operating on her. All three of us were in the waiting room, slowly walking around as we thanked God.

All of us turned to the door as soon as we heard it shut close. "Doc?" Liv started to say. He raised his hand and smiled, a genuine smile. "Give her time to rest. We ourselves are shooken up. Whatever allowed her to wake up from a coma since she was given time to die in a few hours, works. She can be released early tomorrow morning".

We nodded and looked at each other. "Let's go eat and come back later in the evening" I offered. Liv instantly nodded. 


Once we got to a local restaurant, we ordered our food and waited for it to arrive. "Andy, how are you feeling?" I asked him. His face broke into a big smile. "Awesome but I have to rethink my whole proposal. My heart was at peace once I heard her sneeze. She was back. My love of my life was on earth and I was extremely grateful. That night was so tough. To see her helpless and hopeless broke me in every way. I can't seem to thank God enough".

Liv reached across the table and squeezed his hand. "We all are happy. I think we need to take things slower though. Except the fact that she needs to tell me how heaven is". We all laughed at her last statement. 

Around 7pm, we were at the hospital and knocked on the door. A raspy ''come in'' responded. Andy opened the door and we looked at her.

Hannah sat up from her stretcher bed. Tears brimmed in her eyes. My wife ran up to her and hugged her. I smiled at their embrace. Best friends for life indeed. "I missed you so much. So so much but thank you, Hannah. For telling God everything I told you. I love you so much" Liv stated. She acted like a big baby and I noticed she kind of has been losing her emotions.

Hannah smiled as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I missed all of you. John?" She looked at me. I smiled sheepishly. "Hello Hannah. How are you feeling now?" I asked with sincerity. "Great. Awesome. But ten times better since you all walked through that door" she smiled her infamous smile. "Nice to hear" I nodded.

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