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John's POV

"Mr. Knight, you have some people here who are waiting to meet you" my secretary told me. I raised my eyebrows in question.

"Bring them in" I replied to my secretary, Miss Anderson. She nodded and walked out.

Livy ❤
Audrey wants to say hi to you so here is a pic.

I smiled, opening the attachment to see my wife and our little one smiling at the camera. A knock erupted me out of my thoughts.

"Come in" I ordered. In walked 2 familiar faces and one little boy that I couldn't recall. Once I registered who they were, I got up with a smile grown on my face.

"The Davis'' I hugged Israel Davis and patted his back while giving his wife a side hug. "Who is this little one?" I bent down to see the young Davis that we had been waiting for.

"This is our son, Justin Davis." Heather replied. I hugged him tightly and smiled at him, and the little boy smiled back. "He is grown into a big young fellow. How old is he?" I remarked.

"He is turned one last month." Heather smiled. "Hey little fellow, how you doing?" I asked him. He turned around to hug his dad's leg. "Justin, that's our friend so you will have to talk to him" Israel replied. We all laughed.

I led them to my desk as they sat down. "What brings you guys here?" I asked once they were seated.
"We are meeting our family for the Christmas time and remembered our conversation on the way to the diner. I called Olivia and she was thrilled to hear that we were coming to town" Israel smiled.

I nodded. "Well, I was getting ready to leave so let me pack up some papers and I will meet you two outside". They understood and left the room to wait outside for me.

By the time I was done, we were on the road to my house. I drove in the driveway as they found a parking space available. The kitchen light was on and I knew my wife was cooking something extravagant.

I waited for the Davis to come out of their car to open the door to my apartment. "What smells beautiful in here?" I asked. Immediately, Liv cleaned her hands on her apron and smiled at the sight in front of her. Heather and her squealed and deeply went into a quick greeting.

"And who is this that I am seeing?" Liv bent down and carried the boy into her arms. "Justin. The little one" Israel stated.

I took them into the living room. "I am going to change so make your self at home" I ordered as I handed the couple the remote. Walking to my wife, I kissed her on her temple. "You made me want to come home earlier once you sent that picture this morning" I murmured against her ear.

"Glad you did so you can help me finish getting ready" She tossed me the cutting board that had 2 cucumbers.

"How's Audrey?" I asked. "Sleeping right now but was quite a handful today." Liv rubbed her hands against the apron she had on. I shaked my head in laughter. "What did she do?" I asked, cutting the cucumbers.

"Wouldn't stop crying like forever. Tried to burp her, feed her and rock her but she had a fit. Only to find that she was having a hard time sleeping" Liv sighed. Worry came over me like a plague. Audrey was a handful at times and it just happened to be today. Liv thinks she is a bad mother with the stress that is with her.

"Liv look here. You are an awesome mother. In 5 years we will look back at this and laugh to a running Audrey with her friends. I gotta change now and here are the cucumbers." I pecked her forehead and went to the bedroom.

By the time I had changed into a polo shirt and khaki pants, I could hear everyone talking at the dining table with the clinging of kitchen utensils.

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