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John's POV (a/n his first POV in this book ♥)

The phone call ended leaving my wife in a surprised state but not the good surprise. The one that is dreaded. My heart hurt to let me know the news --- that's if she would tell me. "Liv please tell me what the call was about" I pulled the hair in her face to be shown tears running down in return.

I hugged her close and rubbed my hands down her small back. I snuzzled my face in her newly washed hair. "Are you going to let me in on what you just heard?" I asked. She raised her head with more tears running down her face. I wiped them but more came.

"Han..Han..Hannah is in a coma" she stuttered. My heart sank in great loss. Hannah was the only person that I knew had a close relationship with my wife and to hear what has just happened made me cry myself.

"John, we have to go and see. We have to leave tonight. Please" she stood up, wiped her tears and went to our room. I followed right behind her. Running my hand through my hair, I looked at my wife packing her clothes into her luggage.

"I will just find an available airplane going back and pay for that" I replied to her even though she was packing and probably not listening to me. "John, thank you. " was all she said. I grabbed my own suitcase and packed my belongings.

We finally made it to our apartment. Our house. We were tired and made it safely home, exhausted. "Let's take a nap and wake up to see Hannah." I requested. She nodded out of tiredness and soon we were both knocked out.

We took our 3 hour sleep and I woke up to hear Liv praying.
"Oh Lord God, I put Hannah into your hands and pray that you will heal her. I don't know what the devil wants with her but I pray that his plans will not prevail. I plead the blood of Jesus upon her body, soul and spirit. God, don't let her die in the coma in Jesus name. I thank you oh Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen".

" John, let's get ready to go to the hospital." Liv stated. I could tell that her mind was focused on the survival of her best friend, Hannah. I mean, who wouldn't be if they were in this situation? 30 minutes later, we were all set to go. I opened the car door for my wife then got into my side. The drive to the hospital was a good 55 minutes with the traffic in the city.

Liv got out of her seat and entered the hospital. I got a hold of her hand and turned her to face me. "Liv, please calm down and let God take control of everything. Your mind needs to relax. Stop being in a haste my dear. " She nodded. "I am sorry. Just that she is my best friend, more like my sister and for her to be in a traumatic state is the worst that I can handle." She took deep breaths and laid her head facing my chest. I stroked her back, rubbing circles. Once I knew she was calmed, we both walked to the receptionist.

"Good afternoon, I am here to see Hannah Morris." Liv told the receptionist.
"First time checking?" The lady in the round glasses asked.
"Yes m'am"
"Well, I need you to sign these and wear this band once you are done filling these papers" the lady passed us both a clipboard with medical information papers on them.

Once we finished signing and filling out the information on the papers, we were assigned a blue band and told that Hannah was on the 3rd floor in room 305. We reached the front of the door to see our dear friend and you could tell that Liv wasn't taking the situation well.

"Darling, I am right here. God is right here. Let's go in to see Hannah." I held my wife's hand as we opened the door to the room. IV tubes were connected to the mostly lifeless body. Her skin was pale. Her hair was dull. She was wrapped in the usual aqua blue patient attire.

"Andy" Liv rushed up to meet Hannah's boyfriend, Andy Markins who was on the side of the bed holding Hannah's hand. "Liv! John!" He hugged my wife and handshaked me with a pat on my back. He looked tired and worried. Who wouldn't be when the one they cared the most was suffering? I know for a fact that I couldn't leave Liv in the hospital when she saved those kids from a burning fire.

"Oh Andy. This must be really tough for you" I remarked. He nodded. "I was going to propose to her yesterday until what occurred" he looked at his trembling hands. "Can you tell us what happened?" Liv asked, worry written all over her face.

"I told her to get ready for a dinner because I had made a reservation at a local restaurant where she loved so that I could propose to her. I walked to her apartment, knock on the door but she never opened it. After a good 5 minutes, I went to the apartment office and asked the lady there to open up her door. She did but only to find Hannah knocked out on the floor of her apartment in the most beautiful dress ever. I immediately called 911 and the police, investigators and ambulance came. Excuse me" And he walked out the room.

Liv was balling in tears. I looked at Hannah and held her hand in mine. "Father, you are the healer. The doctor of all doctors. The one who can heal and one who can raise the dead. God we plead for your mercy upon this body. We bring Ms. Morris into your throne and pray that you will wake her up from this slumber. Whatever the devil wants with her, we pray that the host of heaven will not let it prevail. In Jesus name."I prayed as Liv said amen.

We just had to wait to receive the miracle of God upon Hannah.

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