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John's POV

3 months later and so far so good. Andy and Hannah announced their proposal to the church. The first time Hannah came back to church, everyone shared their hugs and greetings to her so once Andy had told them what had been planned, the church went ecstatic.

They wanted to get married soon. And will be getting married in 4 months. It may seem far but when you have things going on, it seems closer.

For Liv and I, it was bliss. Pure bliss. As I was getting ready for work, I went down the stairs only to be hit with the smell of coffee. Freshly brewed coffee.

I entered the kitchen and was faced with my wife's back who was adding milk to the small cup of coffee. Liv was bummed when she was told to only take a cup of coffee a day. Everyone knew Liv to being a coffee addict.

"Morning Love" I greeted as I wrapped my arms around her tiny baby bump. "Morning" she smiled. She turned around and gave me a peck on the lips. I eyed the coffee behind her and then turned to Liv.

She playfully hit my arm and I chuckled. Raising her right eyebrow, she asked, "Is that why you came down here?"
"No. Came to greet my lovely wife who by the way has an awesome hair and can treat her husband to some coffee, too." I winked at her making her laugh. She handed me a cup of already brewed coffee.

We both sat on the bar stool and silently sipped our coffee. I only had a few minutes left before I was on my way to work. "Don't forget our ultrasound tomorrow" Liv stated.
Almost did.
I nodded. "How's the little one doing?"
"Great," she beamed. Her hands instinctively went to her stomach. "I think it's moving around. Tomorrow we find out the overall health and the next time, the gender reveal!"

I smiled at her. "Do you want us to know about the gender, have a gender party or not and wait till delivery?"

"Gender party. Hannah could surprise us together." She was in thought with the way she was not paying attention to how she stirred her coffee. Looking at my watch, I realized I had to leave. I walked up to my wife, kissed her forehead and smiled at her. "You are leaving now?" She asked, pouting.

Such a turn on with the hair and the coffee scent from her mouth. And the fact that she is-

John, slow down.

I chuckled as I grabbed my laptop bag. "Be back by 6. I'll make it up to you, I promise".
She grinned and pointed her finger at me, "You made a promise so keep that promise or else, you'll have to make your own coffee"
I nodded. "Bye my love"
She walked to the door as I got into my car. "Bye John" she waved at me and I drive out.


"Morning Mr. Knight" my secretary, Miss. Anderson greeted. I nodded at her and went into my office.

I work for a large economic business. Under Shell, to add. We helped with organizing the oil profits and all stats. Some may think we weren't needed but then who will manage the problems concerning Shell?


Dropping my bag, I logged into the Mac placed in front of me and went through my emails. Replying to each and everyone of them.

"Conference meeting right now" the intercom blades through its speakers.
That either meant that something good or bad was happening. Miss Anderson and I walked to the conference room and sat in the seats and waited for the CEO to start the meeting.

"Good morning. Called in a short meeting. Last week, I told you guys that some changes will be happening and this morning, they were all verified. Many of you know that I am retiring in a few months. I talked with the board staff and I will be talking to the soon to be CEO that will be taking my place. Shell sent me an email stating that we are 2nd ranked in the oil and transportation business" CEO, David Emerson announced.

We all cheered. We had been working hard for the past year to get up from being 4th. This was a big achievement for us. "There will be a party celebration and an holiday for the news. Information regarding this will be sent out tonight to your personal emails. Meeting closed".

Everyone got up from their seats and made their way to chatting with others. "Mr. Knight!" CEO came up to me. "Yes sir?" I asked.

"Meet me in my office for lunch time" he stated. "Yes sir" I responded and left.

Walking into my home, I closed the door behind me and went to the living room. Liv was passed out on the  sofa with some popcorn in her hand. I smiled at the sight in front of me.

I carried her to our room and changed into something more comfortable. Joggers and a white shirt. Carrying my devotional, I opened it up to spend time with God since I didn't this morning.

20 minutes later, I was done and the bed stirred. "You're awake" I mentioned. She let out a yawn and smiled at me. "How was work?"

"You will not believe what God has done for us." I grinned as I went to my bag and pulled out an envelope. Liv questioned what I was holding and I just smiled at her. I gave her the envelope. She hesitantly opened it and gasped.


I had gotten a certificate on being the next CEO of the company. "Babe, this is amazing. Awesome... Magnificent...Am so proud of you" she turned to me and kissed me. I turned her down so I was on top of her on the bed. "I still have a promise to make up to you so go change into something classy" I told her. Her smile grew into a grin as I got off of her and looked at her going to our closet.

On the way home, I made a reservation at our favorite restaurant for 7 and just wanted to spend time with Liv. We hadn't really gotten out on a date since she announced she was pregnant so I wanted to treat both of us.

Around 6:45pm, Liv walked out of the room looking fabulous and I realized we looked hot together. "Come on" I stated. She smiled as I locked the door and walked her to our car.

"Table 5" I told the cashier at the registrar. He took us to our table.

Tonight was just me and my wife. Listening to how her day went. Her dreams and plans for our child.

It was nice to say that.

Our child.

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