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4 week later

John's POV

Right now, we are on the way to the hospital after hearing the heart wrenching news.


I woke up at 3 AM to hear Liv flushing the toilet. Shit! Rushing to the bathroom, I see her pouring water on her face. "Babe, you okay?" Worry laced in my voice. With the way I was brought, I hated seeing people in distress.

She looked at me with tired eyes. "Got a high fever but took some aspirin so I'll be fine". She smiled a weak smile. "Well, do you need anything to eat?" I asked.

She pondered on the thought and nodded.

I took her to the couch in the living room just in case she might want to rest again. I decided to cook some noodles and put mixed veggies in it and boiled 2 eggs.

Setting it on a tray, I placed the food in front of my wife and sat across from her. "Thank you" she replied, taking a forkful of her noodles. "We'll check with the doctor once it's day time, okay?"

After she finished eating, I led her to the bedroom and tucked her in. Smiling sheepishly, I planted a kiss on her forehead and went to my side to sleep.

Later in the morning, around 8, I did my morning routine -brush teeth, shower, smell good- . Walking out, Liv sat on the bed applying lotion to her body with her back facing me. She didn't notice me walk in so I took the opportunity to pounce on her.

She let out a loud shriek. Her eyes looked like they were about to bulge out of their sockets as she hit my arm. "John!"
I winced in pain at the spot she hit me but that didn't stop me from laughing so hard. "It's not funny" she pouted.

I tried to kiss her but she dodge me and got up to wear her clothes. "Hey, I am sorry but you can't admit that it was funny" I placed my hands around her waist. She turned around, pulled off my hands and looked at me dead in the eye.

"That was so not acceptable" she pointed a finger at my chest. Honestly, it was nice to see her short stature trying to square me up. I chuckled.
"John! It's not funny. That made me panic. Wouldn't be surprised if I had an heart attack. Very rude to a lady.."
I had zoned out her words and was just staring at her brown eyes. So mesmerizing.

Leaning in, I captivated her plum lips. I guess it caught her by surprise because she stepped back. "Nice to play me" she smirked as she put on her necklace.

"I am sorry that you are so damn gorgeous" I waited for her to have her usual remarks but when she didn't, I smiled proudly. She was blushing really hard. "Love that I could make you blush. Best morning gift ever".

Since Liv wasn't comfortable to see me dress in front of her, I respected that, took my clothes and changed in the bathroom.

Clothes pic up or side. Just realized that I haven't posted a pic for you guys in this book so will start doing that.

By the time I got out, I took my watch and looked at myself in the mirror. "And that is my man" I turned around to see Liv with her phone in her hand and a huge grin plastered on her face.

She was swiping through and I knew she was on Snapchat. "Let me see" I walked up to her and looked at her phone. There I was walking out of the bathroom, to the mirror and checking myself out. Chuckling, I gave her back her phone.

"Let's go" she grabbed my hand with her purse in the other and we headed off to have brunch together.

Once we reached the diner, a waiter addressed us to a booth. "Hello. My name is Brian and I will be taking your order for today. What drinks would you two like?"

"Lemonade" Liv stated.
"Sweetened Ice Tea" I replied.

"I will be on my way with your drinks". And the teenager left the table, leaving me and the love of my life together.

I noticed Liv smiling as she looked at the menu. "You seem giddy today even though you gave me a lecture this morning" I intertwined our fingers as she rose her chin to come face to face with me.

"The aroma of food hit me and I can't wait to eat. Felt like I haven't eaten in ages." She remarked, smiling her mouth widely.

"You know, the young boy reminded me of my teenage years" I stated. Liv raised one of her eyes to represent the look oh really?

I nodded and continued my storytime. "I used to be a waiter. My friends from high school would come to support me during my breaks. Since it's all in the past, there was a beautiful girl. Her name, I honestly can't remember. My friends tried to pair me up with her. I realized we went to the same school and I tried to get her number. Long story short, it didn't work"

Liv was laughing. "My hottie couldn't get a girl".

"At least, I met you and I am glad I did."

She went back with her blushing and I chuckled. "Here you guys go," Brian places our drinks in front of us. "Do you have your order ready?" He asked.

"A double bacon cheeseburger with lightly salted medium sized onion rings and a 6 piece wings set in the lemon pepper flavor"
I was taken back. Liv was going to eat up my money before I could.
"Classical grilled cheese sandwich, salted potato wedges and that will be all". Brian nodded and went to place our order.

"Are you going to eat the whole diner?" I asked, amused at how much she ordered. "I told you John that I am hungry." She smiled and looked through her phone.

By the time our food was placed, Liv snapchatted our food and went into eating it. "We never really discussed your trip to Australia".

Wiping my lips, I replied, "It was great. We talked about how to build the church and maintain the church of God to be on fire for Christ. Guest speakers like Joel Osteen and TD Jakes were there. We had different workshops like time management and financial solutions. Just different lessons that is a blessing to someone's life as a soon to be or young pastor".

Liv nodded.

"How have you been feeling since the morning?"

"I told you it was a fever. Took some aspirin and that seemed to subside it. I told you I would be fine" she popped a wing in her mouth. We made small talk here and there.

Brian came back and asked if we were ready to go. "Yeah." I placed my visa card in the folder and signed the slip. After a minute or two, he came back and told us to have a good day.

"I feel like I might barf. My stomach is so full" Liv noted as we entered the car. I laughed. "Says the lady who ordered a full day worth of meal".

Rolling her eyes, she looked through her phone and went through her messages. Once I reached a stop light, I turned to see her but wasn't expecting to see the color drained from her face.

"Liv honey, what happened?"

Slowly turning to me, she showed me a message from Andy.

The hospital is going to discharge Hannah in a few hours. They can't stand being with her and not seeing results since she has been here for a month and a few weeks now. Can you come?

"Babe, I am so sorry" And I made a U-turn to the way that lead to the hospital.

Hello. A fellow reader requested to write more so this chapter is over 1300 words like a previous chapter. Honestly, I did not even know that because I was just typing away.
I want to hear from you guys and thanks again for 1k+ reads. Means a lot.

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