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Liv's POV

Jesus, where are you now that I need you?

I cried in the bed until no more tears came.

Liv, way to go starting up with the second argument in one month of your marriage. You just love breaking his heart, don't you? He shows you love and you retaliate back with destruction. Wife up hunty.

I agreed to my voice. So I got up and put on a fresh bra and underwear and wore a sundress.

Walking out, I noticed John lying down on the couch with his phone in his hand. He saw me and used his phone to block me from seeing his face.

Liv, it's a month in your relationship and see what you already started. Isn't the first month supposed to be like a fantasy?

I walked up close to John.

And stood in front of his phone.

"Sweetheart, love of my life after God, the only cockroach in my cupboard, do you hate me now?" I looked at him. He stared at me and looked back at his phone and I guess I deserved it to some extent. But what am I supposed to do now?

"John, are you going to talk to me or is it going to be the silent treatment?" I asked him. He nodded.

Silent treatment already on your first month of marriage.

"Well, what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to get you to talk back to me? John!" I practically screamed at him. He just shrugged, being the calm person he is.

I got my car keys and went and got my phone to go to a place that I called home.

John's POV

I heard Olivia cry and I wanted to hug her but then composed myself. Silent treatment would be best for us right now until she figured it out. Already our first month and we are discovering secrets of each other.

I palmed myself in the face.

When she asked how she was going to fix it, I could tell that she might have another breakdown or something. She looked worried, hopeless and helpless.

My only concern is why she couldn't tell me these things before we made our vow to God. Why?

Now I don't know where she is and am kind of glad because she is acting like a grown-up now. If she had told me that she was raped, I wouldn't have stopped thinking of marrying her. That was in the past and God forgives, right?

I would have asked her if it was okay to touch her and have sexual intercourse with her. But no! She didn't and is now facing the consequences of her actions. I wish I had read this book earlier because it is talking about how by the time of the honeymoon, we should know everything about each other. Even the deepest secrets.

I don't have anything to keep from her.

If she asks me a question, I would tell her the truth. She should know me by now.

"God, I know you are watching our situation right now and I am putting it in your hands right now. I pray that where Liv is going to, she will be safe in Jesus name. Amen" And then I let sleep consume me.

Liv's POV

Knocking on the door, I waited for my dad to open up.

"Liv? Already back from your honeymoon? Thought you had a few more--" he instantly hugged me seeing my expression. "Livy, what's wrong? Alicia!" My dad called for my mom.

She came rushing down with a mitten in her hand. "What--Olivia, what's wrong?"

We all sat down in the living room and they looked at me waiting for an explanation. "Mom, Dad. We were talking about---how we each feel during sex and he asked me why I feel nervous when he does his part of the deed and I told him about it" I looked down at my hands and cried.

"Livy, why didn't you tell him before?," My mom questioned. "You should have told John once you were found after being captured by him".

" I thought he was going to not marry me. He is a virgin and I was raped mom. Raped by that spoon!" Anger rose in my voice. I wanted to rip my hair out from stress. "But is John really like that?" My dad asked.

Is he like that? Would he really stop not thinking of marrying a virgin?

I shaked my head. "I feel like I have already ruined our marriage. Hannah..." I cried in my hand. Why was my life going in different places?

My dad stood up and went to me. "What happened to Hannah?"

"She's in a coma and the sad thing is that we don't even know how she was in a coma". I tried to say it calmly but ended up balling in tears. " Oh darling" my mom hugged me.

Trying to talk through my sobs, I stated "I cut off our honeymoon because of the news of Hannah. My best friend is in the hospital. My husband is giving me the silent treatment because I didn't have a mind to man up. I am such a disgrace".

" Liv, my daughter. You are not a disgrace.  You should have told him these things. I see that this is the safest place to spill your feelings and anger and situation. Have you talked to God about it?" My father wiped the tears from my face as my mom went to turn off the stove in the kitchen.

I shaked my head.

"Well do it. And as for your house, try to tell him how truly sorry you are. Ask him for his forgiveness. Tell him anything else that you are holding back. Have you told him about your miscarriage?" My mom asked as she came back.

"No. That's the worst part. I just told him I was raped and to tell him that I had a baby inside of me from the rape would be too much for him. Why am I breaking my marriage already?"

Hello y'all. Yeah so she was preggers before. You guys didn't see that coming. 😂😂 okay um...putting drama in this book is fun. Toddles 😊😊.
P.s. first time I passed 1000 words.

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