he finds out your pregnant part two

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You've been locked in your room all day. Claude didn't like it one bit but the problem is that when he wanted to talk to you you always seem to cry at the end. This made Claude sad and as you know thats big I mean big because Demons don't have emotions and he's well Claude. He felt something odd about you when you were in the room. He decided to go inside and take his chances to see you cry.


You were currently in tue bathroom vomiting in toilet. He quickly got next to you holding you hair. His eye's flashed fuchsia he figured it out "your pregnant" thought out loud that made you cry tears of happines. You sat in the bathroom floor crying while Claude hugged you. "Are you not happy that your going to have my chiled" asked the confused demon. "No No is not thats at all its......just that I'm happy" you said this made the demon happy.


You've never go the place you and Finny use to meet anymore. This worried him so he went to your mansion. When he got there he saw a docter he instant ran into your room and found you vomiting in the bath room. "(Y/n) w-whats wrong" just then the docter came in. "Miss (Y/n) your not sick your pregnant congratulations whos the father" you pointed at a already crying finny. "(Y/n) will always take care of the baby and you I love you both so much.


You were cleaning the shop but then you felt queasy then you suddenly vomited all over the floor you then fainted. Undertaker ran over to you and for one looked concerted. "(Y/n) wake up now" he then got up and ran to get a docter.

Timeskip~cuz im cool~

"It's all right Mr. Undertaker she is just having symptoms of the pregnancy congratulation. You woke up just in time to hear the last words. Then you cryed happiness Undertaker then hugged you then began to rub your belly "you can lead yourself out docter hehe" he said. For the rest of the day he cuddled with you. Lucky you.

Yay I finally updated and I'm sooooooooo sooorry i haven't updated but allas I did- Author-chan

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