How you met

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You were the queens bunny because you couldn't stop moving or talking for that matter but you solved the case and well. So yeah that is why she kept you around. So she had a great idea to put you with Ciel since he is the total opposite of you a she thought that you could be a great team and you couldn't wait to get a case so of course you were annoying. That is why you are right now in carriage to go to the phantomhive mansion and of course you where talking to your butler Alex about how you are now so excited to work with someone else. because you were indeed the queens favorite and she loved you like a daughter so that is why she never let you work with someone else until now. Your carriage suddenly came to a stop which made you stop talking  then a butler with raven hair came  and oped the carriage door for you and said in a mono tone yet sweet voice"my name is Sebastian nice to meet you..Young master is waiting for you".You being the cheerful person you are said "yay !! I love your suite by the way" he just smirked  and mumbles something about how you were just like a girl named Elizabeth. The butler led you to a room with a boy around your age. The young boy's eye" looked so beautiful...they were like two deep pools you could swim in. " Nice to met you Ciel can I call you Ciel well I don't care so I'm going to call you that" he gave you a nod in agreement  ."well my name is (Y/n),(Y/n) (L/n) you can call me (Y/n)"  you said extending your hand for a handshake  and smiled. "soooo..what are we doing ??" you said looking around his big study..when your eyes landed on a chess board. Your eyes immediately lit up. "Can we play chess ?!!" you said  enthusiastically. He  glanced at you and uttered something about finishing a case. "Are you  scared I'm  going to win and you're going to loose Phantomhive ?" you snickered. He suddenly started to smirked amusement splattered in his face " IS that what you think?..Then you must be mad" he began walking towards you "Lets play chess my the best win". That phrase send chills down your spine...


You indeed we're (Y/n) Phantomhive the Guard Dog's Lovely older sister so people often used you to get to Ciel which was always a pain in the ass for you. You never seemed to fined the ONE and that irritateded you, Since you were one of those girl's who belived in the one Prince Charming who is prefect at everything and only loves you. But you never gave up hope. So that is why you ended up in a secrete(without Ciel knowing)  'date' with the one and only Viscount Druitt. Im mean he's rich, handsome, and Charming what more can a girl ask for right?? Or so you thought...

You were currently in viscount's garden hearing another one of his overly dramatic speeches about how lovely and pretty you are. "Oh how I love how your eye's glisten under the frail light of the moon..and how your soft plum lips look more kissable than ever..". You almost gaged at how cheesy his words were..I mean yeah you believed in Prince charming but this was too cheesy for you to handle.

You wanted to get out of this situation and you would never let one of your best friend's set you up with anyone ever again !! As he continues his speech you see a shadow from the corner of your eye. "What is th-" before you could finish your sentence. You were in the arm's of a certain raven haired butler...which you were glad to see not only because you wanted to get away from viscount its because you had a tiny crush on him..Not that you would ever admit it of course. "Bloody hell Sebastian..what are you doing here?!!" you said trying to get out of his tight grasp. "Well Young master wanted me personally watch over you and-" he chuckled "Im quite positive you didn't want to be there anymore". You blushed crimson "N-No thats not true" you said defensively "I loved the dat-I mean meeting". He smirked "Is that so..well I'll leave you in your 'meeting' then" he said about to up put you down. "No-I mean thats not  necessary Well Im quite tired now and im sure by now the 'meeting' is ruined" you explained. He just gave you an amused look "Whatever you say m'lady.."


Of course you had to be engaged to some blond brat with an amazing booty (LMAO) and you didn't mind at all but you had a problem with him always trying to impress you. So that is why he was dragging you around like some doll around the Trancy manor . He trying to impress you with all the things he had but you were never a materialistic girl. Im fact you didn't care how much money a person had as long as they arn't boring and they ONLY look at you you were fine. But Alois being Alois he wanted to win you over with his money. "Isn't this pretty (Y/n) !! Look at the gold covering this lovely necklace" He said holding it in his hands. You not interested in the necklace just humed in response. Which made Alois furious how could you not be interested in HIM. He was rich for gods sake. He suddenly gripped your hand tightly. Earning a groan in response. "What the hell Alois ?!" you said trying to get out of his grip. "What iz wrong with ME ?!!", Alois gripped your hand tighter then ever "what is wrong with YOU I'm showing you gold and all you can do it hum". 

"Well what the hell do you want me to do about it ?? I just don't care about your 'Gold' and how much money you damn spoiled brat" you said finally being able to get out of his grip "I like you either way.." you mumbled. Which made the blond's eyes lit up "You like me !!?" he said changing his mood in less than a second. "I like you too !!" he abruptly glomping you. "You should have said that earlier....I wouldn't had to show you this boring stuff.." he said getting a little mad again. "But no matter..I'll arrange other evening plans" he said dragging you once again. You sighed thinking how could you like this annoying brat.


You where a new maid at the Trancy manor. Logically you got lost so it was no surprise when Claude appeared out of no where a and startled you making you punch him. Which no surprise he dodges the punch.

 "Bloody hell don't fucking do that mate". Claude fixed his glasses " My, My you have bad manners just like Alois..what terrible luck..". 

"Oi I don't have bad manners YOU do...I mean who appears out of nowhere like some creep??" you remarked defensively, "Any ways...I'm lost..can you help me??" you added.

"I'm terribly sorry but no i can't I was just on my way to see what Alois get one of the servants to help you.." he answered in a monotone voice walking away.

Claude's prov~:

"(Y/n)....your soul give off a bitter sweet aroma which is better served when its ready...untill then I'll keep an eye or eight on you "


You were currently taking a stroll through the forest when out of the blue a big dog emerged out of some trees .startling you. The dog followed you until an adorable guy who was about your age, had golden locks, beautiful green eye's and a winsome smile came looking for the dog. "Im soooo sorry Miss" he apologized, "You see I was the one who had to be looking after him but i saw this butterfly and i couldn't resist chasing after it.." he claimed looking at the ground ashamed. You smiled warmly "Its quite alright..i mean no one got hurt right ??".

" Thank you so much Miss" he beamed, "This won't happen ever again". You giggled "well i have to get going now" You announced getting up and dusting yourself. 

"Wait Miss ...what's your name??" he asked curiously. "Oh its (Y/n), (Y/n) (l/n)" you bowed which made him grin. "I love that name !!" he said embracing you which made you gasp in surprise. "Well goodbye" he says letting go of you and walking away smiling. "What an odd person..." you mumbled to yourself blushing a bit.


//**Damn...that was alot to edit 😂😂😂 but i did it hope you liked it...lmao it probably sucked but ehh its better than the last one...well at least it has better grammar

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