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                 You've been going to you're new school for a few months now it was really not that bad, I mean yes some girls were getting on your damn nerves, but then again what school doesn't have some bitchy girls So they were the leaset of your worries. The biggest and main one was teaching you right know 3rd period social studies.  Mr. Fucking Michaelis. At first when you met him you swore you would never be like those girls that follow him and ask for 'help' after class making sure to flaunt their non existing boobs. Then again though they still got to have some Alone time with him which you so desperately wanted now that you have falling for his devilish smirk across his face, the way he said you're name in his husky voice it made you have tingles through your whole body and make your tighes clench together. You also so much LOVED the way he swayed his hips​ it drived you crazy but if course you'd never admit it for your pride was too big even bigger than your thirst....right?

"(Y/n) hello earth to (Y/n)!!" You snapped back to reality. You blinked a few times  "Um yes".  Alois smirked  "Did you hear Mr. Michaelis he said you have to meet him after school so you can make up for you're test from a few weeks ago". 

            You soon grew flustered at the thought of you spending time alone unsupervised with him what would happen if you so hapoemd to drop a book infront of his vision. "Eh you're sick (Y/n) you're all red or are you just thinking dirty shit about Mr.Michaelis " Alois snickerd. "Oh i guess I'll just go tell Mr.Michaelis that you're sick so you can go home early and that your a dirty girl" he said already getting up smirking. "NO! I mean no it's just that it's hot in here that's all" you made a poor excyse which alois didnt buy because he is alois and isn't that stupid."Are you sure?" He said in a teasing way . "Yes !!! Now leave me alone" you said sitting back down on you seat feeling emberasssed even though you shouldent because Alois surly has done and thought worst. He just smirked walking away "Ok you perv" he said before running of to go flirt with some boys in your class. Leaving you to all you're dirty fantasies.


You couldn't even concentrate on you're next classes. You could just think of what could happen after school just the thoughts made you clench your thighs shut AND THE ONES TO BLAME WERE fanfictions you read on wattpad AND THE DIRTY AUTHORS.

It was time to go to Mr.Michaelis' classroom you quickly scurried away from math class which wqs horrid. You knocked on the door and you heard a "Come in (Y/n) I've been expecting you" . You were already  "umm I was told I had to make up a test". He gave you a devilish smirk "oh yes (Y/n) here you go take a seat". As you took a seat you could see his eyes following your every move like a damn pray playing with its food before devouring it. The test was already in the seat closest to him . "You have 1hour to complete the test anything that wasn't answered will be cound as wrong... Understand?" he just simply said but that some how turned on?  You looked at him blushing madly "Y-Yes" its all you could manage out surpressing a moan. 

~Le Timeskip~  brought to you by only 18 and up should be reading this

               You couldn't concentrate on the test you could only just look at him so logically you could only answer like 1 thing and that that was your damn name not even the date or time . You dreaded getting up from your desk and handing him your test but i was clearly the only option to get away from this tourture. You got up already you legs shaking went uncontrollably to his desk avoiding all eye contact. He eyed you, you could feel his gaze.At the corner of your eye you could se him as he picked up you're tes with only your name on it.

 "(Y/n) what has gotten into you failing most of you're tests" he said clearly disappointed "Well umm I just haven't gotten enough sleep t-thats al-all" you studdered like an idiot. "(Y/n) I could tell you're lying" he said his hand creeping closer to your face. When his hand finally got to touch you delicate face he forced you to look at him. "N-No not a-at all" you were getting red. "I have to punish you for telling a lie" (that sounds a lot like Reiji from diabolik lovers no it's just me ok then) he said in a almost disappointing tone which was a facade. He just swifly got around the desk and pinned you to his desk to grab alode of your hair not in a bad way more in like a good way. Which made your vagina already wet before he even touched it. He kiss you roughly exploring you're mouth this made you moan even more in pleasure. This made him smirk he stopped kissing you leaving a string of saliva to make itself known. "what a dirty girl you moan from just a kiss...imagine what you'll do when we get to the acual punishment" he said. before traveling down to you're neck he sucked you're neck making circles with his tounge before you knew it he bite hard which made you scream out . His hands were unbuttoning you're shirt swiftly taking it off . You just pulled on his hair making him let out a deep sexy groan. He undid you're bra and you're boobs exposed made your nipples harden in the sudden exposure to the colde air making him smirk . He sucked you're nipple while his hand played with you're other boob. You tried to supress a moan but saddly you couldent and you let it slip out a moan "Seba-Sebatian" you were embarrassed that you knew his name even though he never told the class anything. His hand when down to you're skirt and he pulled it of leaving you in you're panties. You blushed a scarlet red. He took then took them off too throwing them in a corner of the room. You of course wanted to cover you're self but he removed any kind of covering "remember (Y/n) you're here to be punished" he said before inserting two fingers into you're vagina not even waiting if you were ready but of course you were already wet so it didnt hurt as much . You let out a moan. He inserted two more. He was going in a perfect rhythm in and out in and out. You were about to cum since you have never experiance such things being done to you in your life .t he took out his fingers. You let out a small whimper in protest. This made him smirk. "Don't worry I'll insert something bigger". You blushed when he said that. He unbuckled his pants showing his large throbbing dick. You were actually scared and excited at the same moment. He didn't even gave you time to think about what you're going to do he shoved it in roughly. He was going in and out at a fast pace you moaned "Seba-Sebatian go deeper and faster". He went deeper, rougher and in an inhuman pace you thought you're wall's were going to break. As he webt deeper you griped his hair hard. He moaned you're name "(Y/n)". You were both getting to you're climax. He did one last deep push rough push and he cum's inside of you. You then came after. He layed on top of you sweaty. "(Y/n) you have to leave because they are going to get suspicious" you nodded and got dressed. But you couldn't resist and gave him one last kiss before you left.


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