when they worry about being a bad dad part 1

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NOTE: You are still pregnant you are 5 months



Since you were tired from doing some work because you wanted to feel useful you took a quick nap.

~le time Skip

You were woken up by someone's voice. "Baby I'm scared that I won't be a good father for you I'm scared that mommy will leave me what do I do huh" When you opend your eyes you saw ciel sitting beside you talking to your belly. You let out a warm smile and kissed ciel's cheek. Which starteld him because he didnt know you were awake. "(Y/-(Y/n) I thought you were asleep". "Ciel you know what I will love you and you'll be a great dad" you said. From that day on you smiled remembering that day.


Belive it or not sebastian was worried that he wouldn't be one hell of a dad . He was freaking out messing up everything. Even ciel noticed "Sebastian I order you to tell me whats going on this instant"ciel said. Sebastian looked at ciel "Yes m'lord well I've been pondering if im going to be one hell of a dad " Ciel rolled his eyes at the last remark "well I order you to go talk about it with (Y/n) and wrap it up fast understand". Sebastian bowed "yes m'lord". Sebastian instant he was at your door. "(Y/n) w-we need to talk about something I've been pondering about". This instantly got you attention. "Yes about what". Sebastian wanted to tell you but was to emberassed. "Sebastian tell me" you said getting up and walking up to him. He couldnt hold it so he said it "well I'm frightend that I'm not going to be one hell of a dad " you laughed at the whole situation. "Oh my The Great Sebastian is afarid he isnt going to be one hell of a dad " you kissed his cheek. "Sebastian you'll be a great dad your amazing ok maybe one day our baby may be better then you" you said smirking. Sebastian chuckled " Maybe" he said giving you a kiss that took your breath away. "Now that that is settled I need to go before young lord gets upset I'm not by his side as soon as possible" with that he left


He's been Bipolar more recently. The more he has them The more aggressive he has become he even almost hit you once. So you were planning to ask him what was wrong. Currently you were walking to his office and you were trembling but Hannah agreed to save you if alois got mad and wanted to hit you. You took a deep breath and You were about to knock on the door but you heard voices. "Claude what do I do I-Im afraid that (Y/-(Y/n) will leave me because I've been bipolar These few days. B-But I love her and The only reason I was doing that its because I-Im afraid that Im not going to be a good father". You then heard a sob. You instantly opend the door and ran to alois and hugged him. "Alois I-Im never going to leave you and don't worry you'll be a great dad" you said hugging him tightly. Since that day he has been more loving to you but he has been a Little less Sadistic/bipolar with the others.

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