when you act like a perv

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So yeah you were horny {let's pretend ok} and ciel was so hot and cute. So right now you enterd his office and he was puting his hand through his hair and bitting his lip. You groaned "how am I going to get through this" you thought out loud. This caught ciel's attention and then he smirks. Right now you were walking to his desk and sat on his lap. Ciel just smirks even bigger. Then you start to kiss him and messing up his hair and he moaned into the kiss but then guess who came in yes Sebastian so you guy's stoped then you had to leave before you killed Sebastian.


You were watching Sebastian do his chores and he knew it but you were really I mean really bored so Sebastian wanted to make you forget that you were bored. He decided to do that because it would make you blush but what he didn't know is that you were horny. So he put his plan in action so he was now pining you to a wall saying dirty thing into your ear and ofcorse you were blushing but you wanted more so you squashed his fine ass and then he was surprised so this gave you time to run away. By the time he noticed you were gone you were at the end of the hall you said "I love that ass sebastian".


You were currently looking for Alois why? You may ask it's because one you were bored and two you wanted to kiss him. You found him in his desk doing some paper work. "Hello (Y/n) what are you doing" you answered his question by kissing his lips and exploring his mouth and pulling his hair and when you finished you bit his lip. {his face 😵}


You had an off day so you decided to spend it with Claude. When you found him he was bending down so you decided to do what Sebastian's Girlfriend did but slightly diffrend you went and slaped his ass. He imminently pin you to a wall and said "(Y/n) what are you doing" his eyes flashed pink {or whatever the color is} so you decided squish his ass and he was again surprised like Sebastian.


You came to visit him and he was currently tending the garden. He didn't notice you so he took off his shirt. You didn't noticed that you were walking to him and puting your hands on his abb's and you startled him making him jump and snap you out of your daze you pouted "hhump why can't I see more huh". He blushed at the comment you realized what you said you began to blush and said "I think I'm going to leave" but Finny grabes your wrist and puts you in his chest.


You went to work as usual and you did your routine.

But undetraker forgot it was Monday inseted of Sunday. So he was walking around with no clothes only his boxers. This made you blush and you mumbled "Man it think I'm going to die for having too much nose bleeds and omg look at that body" luckily undertaker heard you and smirked then said "hehehe you want to see more (Y/n)" you blushed even more.

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