Arthur Kirkland

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The time stops, marks the beginning

It was a sunny day, and you gladly welcomed the rare weather with a bright smile.

You were delighted. Not just because of the wonderful weather, but because it is the day.

Checking your wrist, where lays a watch. Not just any normal watch—a watch ticking backwards. It has been continuously ticking since you were born. But this day, any minute now, the watch you grow old with will be departing from your wrist and will no longer function.


Only an hour away, and you'll be meeting your soulmate.

Walking with a cheerful aura, greeting a lovely day to elders and individuals alike, you decided to grab a coffee and head to the park to wait for your fateful meeting with your soulmate.

After ordering your caffeine, you sat near the window, gazing outside. Watching two people bump into each other was,  by some luck, a gated meeting between two soulmates. How romantic! You can't wait for when your fated partner will come running (or bumping) to you. But still, patience is a virtue.

There's a saying: True love waits.


You glanced down at your other watch; that indicates the time of day. Seeing it's almost noon. Your order came, and you politely thanked your server, who shyly bowed at you, almost making his glasses fall off. Smiling,  you just sat there and comfortably sip the coffee that surprisingly had an aftertaste of maple syrup, making you more relaxed and comfortable and not leave the place.

But you did intend to still go to the park. The coffee shop, coupled with how homey the place is, is not helping you to stand up and walk. But then again, the thought of your soulmate gives you a slight boost as you sit up straight to finish your coffee.


You did have a lot of scenarios of meeting your soulmate in your mind when you were young and had a lot of time to daydream. Some of your friends even filled your already full mind with a lot of dreamy things they experienced when they met their soulmates.

They said it was really love at first sight. You'll love everything and anything your soulmate is. Which brings you back to the time when your parents explained how the watch works, and you even joked about it, saying it was as if they were talking about the bees and the birds to your brothers.


Five minutes more. Finally. Sighing, you gulped down your drink and stood up to leave the place. But as you opened the door and heard the distinct sound of 'Come again!' from your back and a 'Bloody git, stop!' from outside the door. Everything was a blur, and then you saw yourself sitting down on the ground. Confused, hurt, and shocked

"Oh, bloody he-... I'm so sorry, lass. I didn't see you there and some bloody wanker pushed me. Here, let me help you-"

The man stopped as two thumps on the ground were heard, and you felt the cold summer air in the place of a missing watch on your wrist.

Looking up, you saw a blonde-haired man with eyes as brilliant as emeralds staring straight at you.

The two innocent watches on your feet and a loud, boisterous laugh at the side didn't matter. All it matters is him.

Now the time has stopped, and now marks the beginning of a new time.



A/N: Well, this is my first Soulmate AU for Hetalia. I first experimented on my One Punch Man, One Shots Book. So since I've already read a lot of Soulmate AUs, I think I'm confident enough to make a Hetalia one. But still, I think I still need a lot of improvement on my grammar, spellings, plots, and ideas for this matter. But yeah, I do hope you guys enjoy reading this. And I hope you can let me know what you guys think, like how bad I am, how I should improve my writing, and/or how badly I portray the characters attitude or traits. Again, enjoy reading!! :)

01-07-2021 (Editted): I tried to make it a bit longer and tried to correct my mistakes as much as possible, but yeah... I don't think I did much.  But this would probably be the last one I try to edit, the oldest of this story, because I want to preserve how I began as a beginner to somewhat of an amateur at writing this story. I also want to always remember how I started this in May 2016 and am still going into 2021. That's all! Well, see ya next chapter~


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