1.0 : good side

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"So.. Why do we need their help?"

We were all, minus Boyd, walking to the bottom of the warehouse again. After what happened last night, Isaac and I didn't talk about it- Just drove to Derek's and found a way in, since he was already sleeping. He found me on the couch and Isaac on the ground next to me, sound asleep. We barely got any time to get ready before Derek was dragging us off, explaining why we needed Scott and Buzz-cut's help.

"Because it's harder to kill than I thought and I still don't know who it is." Derek booms.

"And they do?" Isaac questions. He looked so cute with his hands in his pocket, his expression that of a lost puppy. God, I was in way too deep.

"They might," Derek shrugs, walking us over to a chest. "Which is why I need one of you to get on their good side."

"I'm closest with Stiles," I chime in, "Even though I told him I was going to kill Lydia . . I'm sure I can get him to forgive me."

"You know the full moon's coming, Derek.." Isaac points out.

Derek turns to face Isaac, a sarcastic grin playing on his lips. "I'm aware of that." He begins to pull all sorts of contraptions from the chest, making my eyebrows furrow. What was this? The majority of them consisted of chains cuffs.

"Didn't know you were into that, Derek." I comment. Isaac rolls his eyes at me and I giggle to myself.

"You said you were going to teach us to change whenever we wanted." Erica says, a hint of annoyance in her words.

"There hasn't been time," Derek shrugs, still yanking items out.

"But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means.. That means you're alone against the Argents." Isaac speaks, a hint of concern in his voice for his alpha.

"They haven't found us," Derek wipes his hands, walking away to another part of the room.

"Yet!" Isaac exclaims, following him with his eyes. "So how about we forget the kanima?"

"We. Can't!" Derek yells, making me flinch. "Look- there was something about the way Gerard looked at it. He wasn't afraid, at all. Now I don't know what he knows, or what he's planning, but I'm sure about one thing; we have to find it first!"


I trailed a safe distance behind Stiles and Lydia, listening in to their conversation the best I could. Why couldn't Isaac be here with me right now? I know I was supposed to do this alone to talk to Stiles and genuinely clear things up, but this would be a lot easier if I could hear what they were saying instead of bits and pieces. I would have to get closer, but not so much that either of them notice me following them.

"Do you know how Jackson's parents died?" He asked her, making me cock my head.

"I'm not supposed to tell anyone." Lydia says, walking with confidence in her step.

"Come on!" He scoffs, "Anyone who says they aren't supposed to tell anyone is always dying to tell someone, so tell me!"

"Why do you wanna know?"

"I can't tell you that.."

"Then I'm not telling you," She says in a tone of sassy disbelief. I smirk. Maybe I could get used to her.

"But you are telling me that you could tell me something if you . . wanted to tell me?" Stiles asks, confused by his own sentence.

"Was that a question?"

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