2.5 : bus

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Beep, beep, beep

That same, consistent, torturing sound was all I had been hearing for the past minute or so. Talking could be heard distantly, muffled and soft. The occasional clinking of glass and metal was heard nearby, almost making me flinch each time it sounded. My eyes moved behind my eyelids as I tried to force my eyes open, but to no avail. I manage to split my mouth open, but all that came from my throat was a dry whimper. It was like I was trapped inside of my own body, and I couldn't stand the feeling. Now beginning to panic in my limbo-esk state, I rush to move, talk, anything that could get me out of this state.

I finally hear a grunt leave my lips, along with a tear that slid past my shut eyelids. Was I in hell? Is that why I was stuck here- Was I really dead? My breathing suddenly peaks and I feel myself on the tip of hyperventilation. It was getting harder to breath- If I wasn't already dead, I would be if I kept this up. I need to wake up.

More cries and mumbles finally surface, my body twitching and shifting. Come, on, just wake up, wake up!

My eyes fly open and a scream immediately erupts from my throat, ear piercing and blood-curdling. A man's face was directly above mine, blocking the harsh, blinding light overhead. A terrified expression overcomes him when my shout fills his ears, immediately jerking back, but not away.

"Who are you!?" I cry out, tears springing in my eyes, spilling over without hesitation. "Where am I!?"

He opens his mouth but only stumbles over his words, his hands going to grab me and hold me down. I let out another scream, wriggling to get away from him, but I felt too weak to do actually do anything.

"Shh, it's okay, just-" He starts, but I cut him off by more pleads.

"Please let me go!" I shout, pleading up at him pathetically, "Please, I didn't do anything, get off of me!"

"I'm not going to hurt you, shh!" He shouts back, but I don't believe him. The boy's fingers were gripping at my sides tight enough to leave bruises, his eyes flickering with curiosity.

"Move out of the way!" A familiar female voice sounds, accompanied by the sounds of many feet screeching and skidding across the ground. The man above me is roughly shoved away and replaced by Melissa, who's eyes skidded up and down my body. She quickly went to cradle me, holding my head close to her chest, whispering loving hushes into my ear.

"Shh, you're okay," She whispered, rocking me back and forth like a baby, "You're with me, you're okay, you're okay . ."

I hiccup sporadically as I come down from my panic in her comfort. Melissa brushes over my face with her thumbs, wiping the stray tears from my face. This goes on for several minutes- Her whispering to me in her tight embrace-- before she forces my head up to look at her, giving me a warm smile. To my dismay, she lets go of me, pushing away slightly.

"We're going to sit you up, okay?" She says, placing her hand gently on my lower back. "This is going to hurt, but I need you to be strong for me."

Before I knew it, another set of hands was placed in different parts of my body. I don't question it, or who it was- I trusted Melissa to take care of me.

"Three, two, one," She counts down, my heart rate beginning to rise again in anticipation. My upper half begins to raise upwards, sending intense pain shooting through my body. I cry out, grabbing onto Melissa's arm as if to command her to stop, even though I know she can't. It only lasted a few seconds, I felt like I had just been through hell and back. Nobody should ever have to experience scrutinizing pain like that.

Now that I was up, I could finally take in my surroundings. I was in a basic white hospital room, but Melissa, the boy, and I weren't the only ones in here. A tall man stood off to the side in a scrub, Stiles stood next to Isaac in front of the doorway, and Deaton was to the right of my bed- Most likely being the one who helped Melissa sit me up. I felt extremely awkward all of a sudden, knowing that I had just broken down randomly in front of all of these people.

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