1.5 : room

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My heavy eyelids begin to slowly lift. I felt disgusting and exhausted, too tired to even attempt to move any of my limbs when I take in the room around me. It was dark aside from the small rectangular window shining a dim light, just enough so that I could almost make out other things in the room. My droopy eyes glance over to a staircase to the left that went up, so presuming from that and the cement floors and walls, this was a basement. How long have I been out?

I finally take it upon myself to move my head, getting a better look at whatever I could place in the room. When I look down, I'm thoroughly shocked that my feet weren't grounded. Instead, I was suspended in the air. But by what? I glance upwards and notice that I was being bound up by wires around my wrists. I moan out and it's muffled by something over my mouth, preventing me from making much noise. Great, I was definitely going to die down here.

After a few minutes of complete and utter darkness, I finally get a glimpse of life. The door leading to the staircase opens, shining light down to my quarters. And that's when I realize that I wasn't alone- Erica and Boyd had been next to me the entire time, just too scared to make any noise.

"Ow, ow," A voice came, sounding too familiar. "Ow!"

The door slams shut and a body comes tumbling down the short stairs, making my eyes go wide. Once again engulfed in darkness, it's hard to make out who it was, but my heart jumps upon seeing the red and white Beacon Hills jersey. It had to be someone I knew- At least, someone on the team who would recognize me. I take the opportunity to groan out against the tape, alerting the person and causing them to scramble up from the position they landed in after getting pushed. He slowly backs up towards the wall and feels around desperately for a light. When his hand grazes it, he flicks it up, revealing us to the other.


His jaw drops and he gets up from the wall, looking at the 3 of us. I had let out tears I didn't even remember letting out and he watches as they drop onto the floor pathetically, turning the cogs in his mind, trying to figure out how he could possibly help us. He turns to Erica and looks her up and down, biting his cheek.

"Okay, I'm going to try to get you all down, okay?" He whispers soothingly, making us nod our heads. He acted insanely dumb sometimes, but truth of the matter, Stiles was the smartest out of everyone I knew; it just didn't always show through his sarcasm, but he deserved more credit. I had no choice in this situation other than to put my trust into him.

His hands go up to begin working at Erica's restraints, but as soon as his hands come in contact, the wires send waves of electricity through him, causing him to shout and jump back, holding his injured hand.

"They're electrified," Gerard's voice trails down the stairs along with himself. He reaches the bottom of the stairs and stands there cockily.

"What are you doing with them?" Stiles asks, his voice wavy from his clear anticipation.

"At the moment, just keeping them comfortable." Gerard retorts, "There's no point in torturing them, they won't give Derek up; the instinct to protect their alpha's too strong."

"Okay," Stiles says quietly, "So what are you doing with me? Scott can find me- He knows my scent. It's pungent, you know? More like a stench. He'd find me in a sewer covered in faecel matter and urine."

"You have a knick for creating a vivid picture, Stilinski, let me create one of my own." Gerard smiles, taking steps towards the boy. "Scott McCall finds his best friend bloodied and beaten to a pulp. How does that sound?"

"I-I think I might prefer more of a still-life or landscape," Stiles replies sarcastically. "You know?"

Gerard only stares at him with squinted eyes, apparently provoking Stiles.

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