4.4 : bombs

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「This chapter is messy as heck, I apologize in advance.」

Carmen laid flat on her belly while her computer was propped on the bed in front of her, displaying an episode of The Office. Her hand reached out to grab popcorn from the bowl next to her, but her arm bumps it instead, sending the popcorn everywhere on her bed and on the floor. Carmen curses to herself and pauses the episode, kneeling down on the ground to begin picking up the tiny pieces.

"Need some help?" A voice calls from her doorway, causing her to snap her head up. She merely rolls her eyes upon seeing Casey standing there, a small grin playing on his lips.

"What are you doing here?" She inquires, going back to her task at hand.

"There's a pack meeting." Casey hums, "Piers called us all here."

"This is my house, why am I always the last one to know about these meetings?" Carmen remarks, running a hand through her hair frustratedly.

Casey only shrugs, but nods his head in the direction of the hallway. "Come on, this is important."

"This is also important," Carmen sighs, "What if I get rats in my room or something?"

"You are a rat," Casey remarks, beginning to walk away. "Come on!"

Carmen groans and places the half full bowl on her bed, getting up to run down the stairs with him. Halfway down, she noted the silence and the stern glares of the rest of her pack. This must be really serious.

Carmen takes a seat next to Casey on the couch and she clears her throat awkwardly, looking around at all of them.

"So . . What is this about?"

Luke sighs and glances over at Nina, who gives him a small nod.

"We need you to tell us everything that happened that night." He states, face hard as stone.

Carmen shifts in her seat uncomfortably, confused by his tone and words. "What night? What night are you talking about?"

"The night you called Casey," He elaborates, "That 'Dream' you had."

Carmen sighs and looks down at her hands in her lap. "Okay, well . . It was dark and cold-"

"Tell us the things we don't already know," Rhiannon rolls her eyes, leaning back in her seat.

"Uh- Stiles was there," Carmen reminisced, her eyebrows furrowing. "We used my flashlight to find each other and my phone went out. There were these two people walking around, they were really scary-- Faces bandaged, and fangs. Their eyes were covered, too."

"What else?" Piers egged on, leaning forward in his seat. 

"They uh," Carmen took a deep breath, finally raising her head. "They told us that we'd die if we didn't get out, and then somehow the rope around my wrist disappeared. Stiles and I grouped up and then the things started telling us riddles, I-I didn't know the answer to any of them. They kept getting closer and closer and then they were screaming in my face a-and my wrist was bound to the wall again. One dragged him away and one was pulling at me, grabbing me . . That's when I woke up."

They all go silent, thinking over her short story for a second before Nina speaks again.

"What happened to you at the hospital last night?"


"Don't play dumb, Carmen," Nina rolls her eyes, "We know something happened. You can tell us anything, remember?"

Carmen still keeps her lips sealed, looking back down at her lap.

". . Did it come back?"

Carmen sniffs, her mind wandering back to the previous night. 

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