6.1 : vision

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"We can't let anyone see me leaving with you." Harrison states, looking around the room of dead supernaturals. "They'll know something is up. I never offer to help people like this."

Carmen scrunched her face in confusion, "Oh, like the dead bodies laying around everywhere isn't suspicious? I'm pretty sure people will notice the most prestigious people in town face down on the ground with blood coming out of their eyes!"

"We'll worry about that later." He rolls his eyes, pushing his glasses up. "My guards will take care of them. I'm going to go out the window so nobody notices me. You get Mr.Hale and meet me at his car."

Without another word, Harrison saunters over to the window and climbs through it, dropping down onto the empty pavement below.

Carmen huffs out and runs over to the doors she entered through, pushing on it lightly. Unlike when she entered, the doors were now unlocked, allowing her to exit with ease. To her dismay, the two guards still stood in their poses, not batting an eye at her as she walked past. She gulped down the nervous lump in her throat and quickly made her way down the hallway and down the stairs, where she was met with the life of the party.

She went back up a few steps so that she was elevated enough to see over people's heads, looking for Derek and praying that he was somewhere here, as she didn't want to go barging into the men's bathroom to find him.

A particular head of black hair caught her attention. He was turning, spinning, as if he were looking for someone as well. When he turned to face her, she locked eyes with Derek and a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. Carmen immediately took of towards him, scooting and shoving politely past the crowds to reach him.

"Carmen, are you alright? What happened?" He immediately began to interrogate her, worry lacing his features. Carmen ignored his questions as she calmly grabbed his hand, not wanting to attract any attention to them. She led him towards the doors of the mansion and out into the stark night, past the bouncers, and into the parking lot. Once they were out of sight, she let go of his hand and wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm, her heels clicking against the wet pavement as they continued on the path to Derek's car.

"He agreed to help us," Carmen muttered under her breath cautiously due to the few lingering people in the lot, "He's waiting at the car. I'll explain everything later."

When they finally reached his black car in the hefty lot, sure enough, Harrison stood there with his head hung low to stay unrecognized by others. Derek looks him up and down suspiciously and unlocks the car, letting them all climb in, Harrison Woldand in the back seat. Then, they begin the ride back to Beacon Hills.

"How did you know she had the earpiece in?" Derek questioned, keeping his eyes intensely focused on the road.

Harrison chuckles, "I know everything. Nothing gets past me."

"So that means you can help Isaac?"

"Possibly. His fate is ultimately up to you guys."

"I have a question." Carmen states, turning around in her seat to face Harrison, "You said you don't usually help people like this. Why are we an exception?"

"You all are so naive." He laughs, shaking his head in disbelief. "I would never take an offer unless it helps me as well. Call me selfish, but what's going to happen will benefit us both in the long run."

"So you can tell the future now too, huh?" She rolls her eyes, turning back in her seat.

"I'm a witch of many talents." He smiles, leaning back in the seat in an attempt to relax.

"Then tell me how this whole thing ends." She orders, looking at the passing trees and lights beyond the window, "Tell me- Do we succeed in whatever we attempt to do? Does everyone make it out okay?"

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