0.2 : funeral

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My day had passed relatively easy. Nobody else really made attempts to talk to me, making my plan of independence all the more solid. At the end of the day, I packed all of my things I needed back into my bag, and remembered that I still had one more dreaded stop before I could go home.

I found myself back in Harris' classroom after school, but this time, for detention.

Apparently my comment about a "Stiles" was good enough reason for Harris to lock me in this hellhole of a classroom for the next 2 days. When I walk in, buzz-cut was already there, his head down on the table. There was nobody else in there except for Harris, who motioned for me to take a seat. I take the table directly behind buzz-cut, taking a worksheet I had been assigned from my bag. Might as well get something done if I'm going to be stuck here all day.

"Before you both get too comfortable, I'll need your phones." Harris says smugly, walking up to us both with a cardboard box. "You know the rules."

I bite my tongue and just obey him, plopping my phone into the box, buzz-cut putting up a mediocre fight before finally handing off his phone nervously. What was he so scared of? Was he getting nudes or something?

About 30 minutes had passed- The point at which I gave up on my worksheet and decided to just stare off into oblivion. The clock in the front of the room mocked me with each tick that sounded throughout the room. The silence was making me want to tear my hair out, and by the way buzz-cut's leg was bouncing, I could tell he felt the same way. Well, he would, if he had hair to tear out.

I notice that buzz-cut's eyes were trained on the clock intensely. It was 3:59, meaning there were only a few seconds until we were let out. He looked as if he were a cross country runner, lining up at the start, ready to flee from the class. And when the little hand finally reached 12, we both shot up, grabbing at our things, until Harris shot us down.

"Sit." He barks, completely monotone. I widen my eyes at him. This guy can't be serious.

"What- but it's been an hour!" Buzz-cut exclaims, waving his arms around.

"My detention's an hour and a half," Harris states matter-of-factly, not even looking up from the papers he was grading. My jaw drops in disbelief.

"You can't do that!" I exclaim. This had to be a joke. It was impossible for such a dick of a human being to exist, right?

"Oh," He smiles at us sarcastically, "Oh, but I can! Now sit down, before I decide to keep you here all night."

I huff and we both take our seats again, my teeth grinding together angrily. I rub my hands over my face, trying to find some form to express the anger coursing through me.

About 25 minutes later, Harris stands up from his desk, sauntering towards the door. "I'll be back to let you both out. Don't try anything funny, or you'll be locked in here for the rest of your lives."

I roll my eyes and watch as he exits the room, leaving me all alone with buzz-cut. Though, he hadn't made any effort to talk to me this whole time, so I assumed he wouldn't now.


"Hey," He whisper-shouted, doing a 180 in his seat to talk to me.

I raise my head, giving him a toxic gaze. Apparently he didn't get the memo that I didn't want to talk.

"My dad dropped you off at school today?" He questions, scooting his chair closer. I rub my temples and sigh heavily.

"If your dad is the sheriff, yes."

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