3.3 : hallucinations

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A week had passed since the whole Darach thing. I strongly convinced Piers that I was deathly sick the entirety of the 7 days so that I could skip out on speaking to everyone, but today, he snuck a peek of my dipping the thermometer into my cup of morning coffee.

Since Isaac and I had been drifting away as of late, Piers was the one to keep me company- When he was home, at least. We did stereotypical sibling things. Played board games, watched TV, he even insisted to eating chicken noodle soup with me every night I was "Sick". 

Now, he was practically pulling me out of bed, hitting me with pillows and yelling at me to stop being such a "Lazy bum." With a groan, about 2 minutes later, I finally comply and get up to get ready for my first day back at school. Before that, though, I needed to pay a visit to Scott.

Since that day, all activity regarding this Casey person had ceased, as promised. No more letters, no more nothing. I assume he was right in saying that I could live like a normal teenager now. As far as I knew, nothing had been going on with the pack. Though, none of the pack has bothered to talk to me, so I guess I wouldn't know.

Still, now that I was being forced to go to school, it's a better time than ever to tell him about the letter from Casey, just so that he knew.

I grab my phone, checking to see if I had any messages. None, not even from Isaac. I sigh and sling my bookbag over my shoulders, running downstairs. I give Piers a quick peck on the cheek before telling him where I was going and rushing out of the door. 

When I finally get to Scott's house, Melissa answers the door, giving me a sweet smile.

"Carmen!" She rushes to hug me, "How have you been since- You know . .?"

I smile at her, fastening my grip on my bookbag. "I've been okay. Has Scott left for school yet?"

"No, he's just upstairs getting ready, go ahead," She steps to the side, allowing me inside.

I give her a genuine smile in appreciation and begin walking up the stairs where I hear muffled voices coming from Scott's room. I pull the note from my bag and begin walking towards the room, stopping dead in my tracks when Isaac is thrown out of it and onto the wall beside me, a painting falling off of the wall from the impact.

I stare down at him oddly and he looks down, guilt written all over his face. I glance over to Scott in the doorway, who seemed shocked to see me.

"C-Carmen, hey," He stutters, trying to play whatever just happened off, "What brings you here?"

"Carmen-" Isaac starts with worry evident in his voice, but I ignore him. I step over him nonchalantly and into Scott's room, glancing back at Isaac.

"I need to talk to you, Scott," I sigh, "Alone."

I shut the door and he goes over to his closet to pull a red shirt over his head. 

"Should I even ask why you just threw him like that?" I question, going to sit in his desk chair and spin around in it.

"N-No, it was nothing," He shakes his head, though I could still tell he was nervous about something. I give him an odd look but dismiss his behavior, looking over the note once more.

"Derek gave me this the day he left," I hand him the note, "I would talk about it but Isaac is probably outside listening to our conversation so I'll just . . Wait for you to finish."

His eyebrows furrow as his eyes run over the paper, a frown etched onto his lips. He sighs and hands it back to me, running a hand through his brown hair.

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