2.7 : boyd

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"Thanks for the ride," I reach up across the dashboard, bringing Lydia into a hug. She wraps her arms around me as well, sighing deeply. Behind us, Isaac exits the backseat, walking around the side and opening my door for me.

"It's no problem. I'm glad you're okay," She mumbles into my hair.

I pull away with a smile on my face, "It's all thanks to you guys."

She returns the smile, putting her car in reverse. I climb out of the car and Isaac grabs my hand, walking with me to the front door to my house- Exactly what I was dreading. I seemed to find myself in this situation a lot- Dreading the moment when I walk through my front door and come face to face with Piers.

"Hey!" Lydia shouts, leaning out of her window. "Please be safe, okay? I don't want a repeat of last night."

I knew that she was talking about visiting Derek. I nod timidly and watch as she backs out of the driveway. As soon as Isaac and I walked through my front doors, I noticed my brother on the couch, staring at the TV intently. He casually looks up at me, confusion ridden.

"Piers," I breathe out, dropping Isaac's hand and running to my brother. Though I knew that everything last night was a hallucination from the wolfsbane, I couldn't help but feel relieved at the sight of him. I engulf him in a bone crushing hug, and he looks shocked initially, but returns the hug after a second.

"Carmen? What's this about?" He pulls away from me, completely puzzled. "Why aren't you in school?"

"I'm so sorry I didn't come home last night," I begin, taking a deep breath as I prepared for my huge, oncoming apology, "I-"

"It's fine, Car." His expression softens, turning into a soft smile, "Your friend called last night and told me you were staying at their house for a sleepover with the rest of your friends."

My eyes widen and I look back at Isaac, who looks baffled like I did. Nobody had told me that they called my brother and lied to him about where I was.

Because nobody had my brother's number.

"Uh- Oh, I didn't know that someone called," I play along calmly, though I was extremely confused. "Who did you talk to?"

"Casey," Piers says, returning to his spot on the couch. "Now go to school. We don't need you getting into any more trouble."

"I'll have to thank Casey next time I see him," I fake a smile, going back to grab Isaac's hand so that we could make our way to Derek's loft.

"Oh, and Carmen?" Piers interrupts, turning the TV down. "Aunt Raine and her family just moved in about two blocks away. You remember Luke and Nina? They want to have dinner with us tomorrow night to catch up."

My heart leaps at his words, my eyes widening. "They moved here? Why?"

"They were looking for a place to live in California and I told them that Beacon Hills was relatively tame," He shrugs, "They took the leap of faith."

"That's great!" I exclaim genuinely. Before we moved from D.C., our family had always been close with my aunt Nina's family. Our cousins, Luke and Nina, would always come over and hang out with Piers and I. We were inseparable; Until we got separated.

"Yeah. So make sure you have something nice to wear." He says, nonchalantly flipping through channels. "Have a good day at school."

I nod and Isaac grabs hold of my hand again, leading me out of the door. Before we can start out trek down to Derek's house, he stops me, looking me in the eyes expectantly.

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