5.2 : carmen

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"Carmen hasn't been answering my calls for the last 3 hours," Isaac mutters, his knee bouncing up and down out of his nervousness. "It's almost 10, where could she be?"

When a loud scream echoed throughout the town, Scott and Isaac immediately identified it as Lydia. They, plus Stiles, all wasted no time informing Kira and Allison about the scream and piling into the car to track her down. Kira and Allison treaded closely behind their car.

"I think you're worrying too much," Scott reassures him from the passenger seat, "She said she was working on a personal project. Maybe she's just really busy."

"Yeah, but what does a 'Personal project' mean?" Isaac retorts, leaning back in the back seat of the car. "Because last time I checked, she hasn't gone to school in like, 3 weeks."

"I'm sure she'd tell you if it was something important." Stiles says, pressing his foot down harder on the gas. "She's fine. Right now, we need to focus on the task at hand."

Isaac thought about going off at Stiles for making it sound like Carmen wasn't a priority of theirs, but instead bit his lip and shut up. There was no need for drama in a time like this.

"Scott, you okay?" Stiles asks as he looks over and notices the uneasy expression on his best friend's face.

"Yeah," Scott nods, shooting him a faulty smile, "Yeah, I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me."

". . Okay, I'm just gonna say it," Isaac shakes his head, "Stiles, you look like you're dying. You're pale and you're thin and you look like you're getting worse. And we're all sitting here thinking it."

Stiles sighs deeply and keeps his eyes on the road as Isaac continues to speak.

"When we find the other you, is he gonna look like he's getting better?"

"What happens if he gets hurt?" Scott asks carefully.

"What do you mean? Like if he dies, do I die?" Stiles asks, his tone becoming more nonchalant, "Maybe. I don't care. So long as nobody else dies because of me. I remember everything I did. I remember killing those people at the station and helping Carmen take your pain-"

"That wasn't you." Isaac interrupts in an attempt to cheer him up.

"Yeah, but you guys have to promise me that you won't let anyone else get hurt because of me." Stiles insists, a frown overtaking the contours of his face.

The car goes silent when he pulls into a parking lot for an eery building, designed much like Eichen. There were only 3 cars in the driveway- Stiles', Allison's, and a mysterious blue car parked on the far left of the lot. 

The groups emerge from their car and wordlessly advance towards the open gate that separated them from the building Lydia was kept in. Everyone examined the building nervously, obviously all in fear of how this would all play out.

"We've done this before, guys." Scott catches their attention, giving them his signature reassuring smile, "A couple of weeks ago we were all standing around, just like this, and we saved Malia. That was a total stranger. This is Lydia."

"I'm here to save my best friend." Allison says confidently, clutching her bow tightly in her hands.

"I'm here to protect mine." Stiles nods in agreement.

". . I just didn't feel like doing any homework." Isaac chimes, earning mean glares from everyone else. He puts his hands up in defense as they all walk past him and through the gates of the compound.

As they walk around the building about to enter through a large hole in the wall, Scott reaches his arm out to stop everyone from walking, lifting his head up as if he heard something. After a second, he whips around, ensuing that everyone followed his actions.

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