5.1 : kin

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Sheriff Stilinski looked past Carmen and out the window of his office, examining the blue sky outside. And though the sight was crystal clear and the sun was shining down brightly on the small town, the empty station that habited only Carmen, the sheriff, and a few other officers was all but gloomy.

"Stiles broke free and got loose, they're looking for him right now." The sheriff eventually spoke up with a clear of his throat, catching Carmen's attention. "Scott isn't answering his phone, I just hope they're okay, yaknow?"

Carmen nods slowly in understanding, fiddling with her fingers underneath the sheriff's large, green coat that he lent her when she randomly walked into the station, a broken mess in need of some company. After what happened, she couldn't stand to be around anyone, but she also couldn't stand to be alone. 

The silence only lead to her replaying the images of her family dying before her, but too much noise jumbled her mind and gave her an even bigger migraine. She just needed to talk to someone she trusted; Someone who trusted her. So, before she knew it, her entire story was spilled out to the Sheriff, and as expected, he respectively took in every syllable she spoke, listening intently.

Once she was finally done, they sit in silence for more than a few minutes, just sulking in their shared griefs and troubles. Sheriff looked up at her and her everlasting frown etched into her face, finally deciding to speak.

"How are the others?" He inquires carefully, "The other people from the highschool?"

Carmen clears her throat and bites her lip. "Uh- Fine, I think. Isaac went back after dropping me off here and got Casey, Kira, and the twins. They all survived. I haven't talked to him since."

Sheriff nods and watches as her posture stiffens and her habit of fiddling with her fingers slowly turns into her scratching her arms, biting her lip as hard as possible, or digging her nails into her palms, just in hope of feeling something- Anything other than the fire aching in her chest.

"Carmen," He whispers, but this time, she doesn't look up. When he noticed a tear drip onto his jacket and her body shake furiously as she tried her best to control her tears, he took it upon himself to get up and walk over to her, helping her to her feet to embrace her.

Carmen opened the floodgates and began to cry violently into his shoulder, clinging to him as if her life depended on it. She hadn't discussed what happened at the school with anyone yet, and now that she had, she was really forced to face the reality of the situation. 

"I have nobody anymore," She wept violently, "My entire family is gone, I-I have nobody, nowhere to stay, nowhere to go . ."

"That's not true." Sheriff speaks sternly, pulling away to look Carmen in the eye. "You have us, and we'll help you with every step you take."

"I don't know what steps to take," She sobs desperately, "There's nowhere to go from here."

"We'll help you." He comforts her, rubbing her arm affectionately. "You have your whole life ahead of you. You've stayed alive through everything you've been through, and that's a blessing."

"I don't know if I want to be alive." Carmen whispers lowly, but he still hears it, and the few words are enough to make his heart drop into his stomach.

"Carmen," He murmurs, bringing her into another hug. "I know this is a lot for you, no teenager should ever have to go through what you have. But that also means you're strong- One of the strongest people we all know. You've made it this far. Don't give up now, just because you've hit another bump in the road."

"My family isn't just a bump in the road." She snarls through her tears. Though she knew he hadn't meant his words to come out like that, she couldn't help herself from feeling bitter over them.

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