1.8 : alphas

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"Hey Scott, you sure you don't want something like this?"

Stiles holds up a tattoo catalogue, opening it up to a picture of a lizard-like creature for his best friend whom was sitting in the chair on the other side of the small shop. I laugh gently and look over to Scott, who deadpans at his best friend.

"Too soon?" Stiles bites his lip, "Okay."

"I don't know, Scott," I look over to him, "Are you sure about this? I mean, these things are pretty permanent."

"I'm not changing my mind," Scott smiles, looking down at his arm as the tattoo artist wiped his arm with something to prepare it for smooth sailing.

"Okay, but why 2 stripes?" Stiles inquires, crossing his arms.

"Because I just like it!" Scott shrugs, his grin still plastered on his face like a kid.

"But don't you think your first tattoo should have some kind of meaning?" I chime.

"Getting a tattoo means something," Scott retorts. I roll my eyes and chuckle, leaning back in my seat comfortably.

"He's right," The large, buff tattoo artist speaks up, cutting Stiles off. "The thishan word for tattoo means to leave a mark. Like, write a passage."

"Uh, yeah!" Scott agrees confidently like he knew that beforehand. "You see? He gets it."

"He's covered in tattoos, Scott," Stiles squints dumbly. "Literally."

The artist ignores his comment and picks up his needle, looking up to Scott. "You ready?"

Instead of giving an answer, Scott just shifts in his seat and clears his throat.

"You don't have a problem with needles, right?" He asks for final confirmation. Scott shakes his head nervously and the man dives in, going to prick at his skin.

"I for one get . . kind of squeamish though so.." Stiles leans over to watch his best friend getting inked, more than likely regretting it as he passed out cold on the ground at the sight. I hold in a laugh and look at the fallen body at my feet.

It felt so amazing to be here with these two idiots right now. After the kanima situation, things went surprisingly better than anyone expected. Jackson moved to London with his parents, but everyone else stayed grounded, aside from Allison, who went to France. Scott insisted that I finally mend my bond with her, so he gave me her phone number to text her while she was away. To my surprise, she actually turned out to be okay. I also began talking to Lydia, and we became great friends. I went over to her house often to hang out, stereotypically doing each other's makeup and going out shopping. Allison had a change of heart after everything that happened, allowing her good qualities to shine through. Then again, I never really gave her a chance to show them to me. Could you really blame me, though, after she tried to kill the people I cared about?

Speaking of, that night Stiles and Lydia came crashing through the wall to save the day, I assumed that Boyd and Erica were okay since Stiles was. I couldn't have been more wrong. Days later, we still hadn't heard from either of them. Missing persons posters were splayed around the town, and so were the rumors. "Did you know that those missing kids ran away?" "Did you hear that they had cops after them?" "Well, I heard that they were kidnapped! " I just stopped listening to the rumors altogether. I knew that they were gone, but we weren't going to give up that easily. So far, we all agreed on the fact that this was most likely the doing of the alpha pack, whom still hadn't made their direct appearance. Derek, Isaac, and I had been searching for them all summer.

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