6.0 : gala

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By the time they got back to Eva's house, Isaac was passed out. Scott and Casey helped carry his limp body to the bedroom and set him down before closing the door and meeting the others back in the living room.

"Casey." Carmen immediately said upon his appearance, her eyes snapping up to his, "What the fuck was that?"

"What?" Seriena perked up, "You guys saw something?"

"Why didn't you tell us in the car?" Stiles inquired, almost offendedly.

"Isaac was still awake. We didn't want to freak him out even more." Casey answered in lieu of Carmen, to which he earned an appreciative look from her.

"So, what did you see?" Scott urged, leaning back on the counter.

Casey bit his cheek and looked down for a second. He took a deep breath before he finally begins to speak, his voice low and timid.

"It was a breach." He explains, meeting eyes with them. "A portal."

"To where?" Scott questions.

"To hell."

The room went dead silent for a solid minute as they all processed what he had just said.

"You would be the one to know what a portal to hell looks like, huh?" Stiles jokes, a snicker leaving his lips. Everyone glares at him and he puts his hands up in defense.

"Not funny, Stiles." Carmen grimaces meanly, sighing loudly afterwards. "Okay, so.. Why would there be a portal to hell in the middle of a hospital hallway?"

"He's looking for me."

Isaac abruptly emerges from the nest of their bedroom, looking like a completely different person. He looked as if all of the life had been sucked out of him- His cheeks were hollowed, and the bags under his eyes had deepened, all in the matter of minutes. His hair was disheveled and his hands were loosely curled into fists by his sweatpants.

Carmen quickly rushed to his side and helped him take a seat on the couch, resting her hands on his shoulders from behind. She placed a tentative kiss to the top of his head as the others immediately began to bombard him with questions.

"Who's looking for you?"

"You had something to do with the portal?"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Guys!" Carmen barked, looking to them with exasperation. "Calm down! One at a time."

Everyone gives Isaac expectant looks and he sniffs, bringing the back of his hand up to wipe his nose.

"I-I don't know who it is." Isaac insists, shaking his head in disappointment, "It's always just a shadow, standing there. All I can see is the outline of his glasses. But he's real- He's real, guys. I kept trying to pass it off as my imagination, but I can't anymore. He talks to me, he told me he was going to 'get me', and he even threatened to hurt Carmen if she 'got in the way'. I can't let that happen.. Not again."

"I think it already might've.." Seriena muttered under her breath, catching Isaac's attention.

"What do you mean?" Isaac asks, a tear slipping from his eye. "Wait- Who even are you?"

Seriena pressed her lips together in a thin line and took a nervous breath, "I'm.. Part of Casey's pack."

"We'll discuss that later. Just know that she's on our side." Carmen gulps down the lump in her throat and bites her lip, "Something drowned me today at practice. When I got out of the pool I coughed this up."

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