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Third person POV

Her boots crunch the fall leaves underneath her as she walks down the trail that lead to the forest preserve. The walk here had only taken around 20 minutes, but to her, it felt like hours. Thoughts about what they had just discussed flooded her brain, and no matter how hard she tried to push them away, more only formed in their place.

She wraps her arm around herself to keep from getting cold, rubbing her arms as she approached the parking lot.


The sudden hot breathing on the shell of her ear caused her to whip around, coming face to face with none other than Casey. He wore a smirk on his face and a scarf around his neck, reminding her immensely of Isaac's tendency to wear same.

"I thought I told you to stop following me." She grumbled rudely, averting her gaze and keeping her focus on the road.

"Yeah, well," He shrugs, "You haven't put my head on a stick yet."

She rolls her eyes and decides to give him the silent treatment.

"So, how old are you?" He spoke, skipping up to walk close to her side.

"I thought you already knew everything about me." She replied monotonically.

"Everything I've learned is just from watching," He clarifies matter-of-factly, "It's not like I hack into your personal files."


"A year away from being legal . ." He mutters, his eyebrows furrowing as he pretends to think. "Say, how keen are you on breaking the law?"

"Fuck off, you're such a creep!" She seethes, pushing him away.

She would deny his company until the day she died, but she couldn't deny the warmth his jacket provided when he wrapped it around her shoulders. She snuggled into the soft material, shooting him a glare just so that he'd know she wasn't accepting it because she liked him. 

"I'm only 19, by the way. Not a total creep." Casey chimes jokingly up a minute later, drawing out a loud, long groan from her mouth."

"You're annoying, is what you are." She retorts, snuggling deeper into the jacket.

"You know, you look cute in my jacket."

Carmen catches sight of the group of friends who were waiting around for her to arrive so that they could start hunting down Malia and her father. Carmen turns to face Casey, her face hard as stone.

"I hope you choke."

With that, Carmen trots away, walking up to the group mid-disccusion.

"Anyone else think we might be doing more harm than good?" Lydia questions, looking around at all of us. Isaac's eyes drift over to me and he gives me a strange look, but I brush it off.

"We're trying to keep a father from killing his own daughter," Scott retorts.

"Actually, we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote who's actually his daughter, who we don't know how to change from a coyote to his daughter-" Isaac begins to ramble.

"You're not helping, scarf boy," Stiles scoffs, leaning against his beloved jeep.

Scott sighs and nods over to Allison. "Did you bring it?"

Allison saunters over to her trunk and pops it open, bringing out a long tranquilizer gun. 

A loud gunshot sounds throughout the forest, causing them all to freeze. All except for Scott, of course. He immediately hops onto his motorcycle and speeds away towards the source of the noise. Isaac follows, ensuing that Carmen and Allison follow him as well.

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