2.3 : sides

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The next morning, I found myself commenced in an intense fight with my own alpha. Derek swings his claws at me, forcing me to parry backwards. I grab hold of his arm and turn him away, kicking at his lower back and watching him flail and hit a pillar in front of us. I put my fists back up as he quickly recovered, his eyes now glowing red as he let out a loud growl and charged for me.

He went to punch me, but I block it and every other punch he throws after that. He throws one above my head and I duck quickly, coming face to face with his lower stomach. Instinctively, I drive my horns into his stomach. He coughs above me and I begin to run with him still over me, smashing him into the wall closest to us, pushing my horns further into him. He grunts and I pull away, letting him growl at me and rest his hands atop where I punctured him.

I give him an innocent smile right before I slice my nails down his stomach. He falls to the ground and groans, finally giving up. I turn on my heel and take a few steps forward until I'm met with Isaac, a mile-wide smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I huff out, still breathing heavily. I hadn't meant for my words to come out so harshly.

"Just watching my girlfriend practice." Isaac smiles, making me roll my eyes. "You've gotten way better at fighting, by the way."

I abruptly reach behind me and grab Derek's arm. He had tried to sneak up behind me and catch me in an off-guard attack, but I was way ahead of him. We met in the warehouse every once in a while so he could train me in combat, but nowadays, it seemed like I was the one teaching him. I roughly twisted his arm backwards and broke it, him falling to the ground again. I turn back to Isaac nonchalantly.

"Thanks." I smile sweetly.

"Are you okay now?" Isaac asks softly, moving a piece of hair behind my ear. He had just steered the conversation down a serious road. I clear my throat and look down.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I mutter. "Derek and I are going to bury Erica in the woods sometime soon. Are Boyd and Cora still out?"

"Cold." Isaac jokes, "But, they'll be fine." He pulls me into a hug, resting his chin on top of my head. "I'm so proud of you for everything you did that night."

"Thank you," I mutter, pulling away just to look at him. "I'm so sorry for everything I said, I was just under a lot of pressure. I didn't mean any of it."

"I know, and it's okay. I'm just glad to have you back." Isaac kisses my forehead, making me giggle.

"Maybe, just maybe things will be back to normal now." I state, but it comes out as more of a desperate question.

Isaac sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Maybe they would if there wasn't someone going on a killing spree right now."

"Wait, what? What are you talking about?"

"The girl that went missing, Stiles' friend," Isaac starts, "They found her dead yesterday, strangled with a rope or wire and hit over the head. The body that Stiles and Lydia found the other night, same injuries. And not sure if this is related, but a guy that went into the vets office last night went missing."

I frown, looking down at my feet guiltily. "I promised Stiles we would find her . . How do we know it wasn't just Boyd and Cora?"

"Why would they waste time strangling them with a rope?" Isaac deadpans.

I groan and take my hair out from its ponytail. "For once, I'd like to think that not everything is supernatural and that we can just let the police handle it. So I'm going to stay out of this one."

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