6.3 : lahey

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The second she saw the man standing in the doorway, she lunged towards it, losing any morsel of self control she had left in her body. Carmen immediately converted and her hand was wrapped around the man's neck as she violently slammed his head against the wooden door frame, his glasses falling off of his face. Carmen stepped on and broke them as she dragged him into the house, only to continue her abuse.

She punched him so hard that he fell to the ground and a groan was elicited from him. She sat atop of him and began to punch him over and over again, anywhere where she could get her hands on him. Her knuckles began to bruise, but she couldn't care less.

She struck his mouth, chipping one of his teeth.

"CARMEN!" Derek called, running towards her to pull her off of him, but her hand shot out and he was pushed backwards. Everyone screamed at her to stop, but she was relentless.

She grabbed him by his thinning hair and continually smashed his face into the wooden floor, and the crack that sounded throughout the room made it easy to assume that she had broken his nose.

"CARMEN STOP!" Lydia screamed, this time taking it upon herself to run up this time.
Annoyed by all of the interruptions, Carmen took to her more extreme measures.

Without even thinking about it, a dome was formed around her and Mr.Lahey, pushing everyone else out of it and to the outer corners of the room.

She growled as she grabbed him by the collar, disregarding the screaming around them, and began to scream at him, the churning in her stomach never ending.

"GIVE ME ONE GOOD REASON WHY I SHOULDN'T FUCKING KILL YOU, RIGHT NOW!" She yelled, their noses touching from their close proximity. Carmen was trembling from how angered she was, and the pack knew that if something wasn't done fast, there would be no hope for him.

"Eva, can't you do something?!" Scott pointed to them, eyes wide in disbelief.

Eva shrugged and crossed her arms, "I could."

"Then why don't you?!"

"..Would it be so bad if he died again?"

"As much as I agree with her," Harrison sighs, walking towards the dome, "I also have to agree with your pack. We need him, Carmen. Just so that we can find Isaac."

Carmen's teeth grit and grinded together angrily, her grip tightening on his collar. Though Mr.Lahey's face was bloodied and bruised, the only sounds coming from his split lips were tiny sighs and groans.

That wasn't enough for Carmen. She wanted to make him scream.

She wrapped her hands around his neck and squeezed as hard as she could, her nails digging into the sides of his neck and begin to ooze thick, dark blood. His hands came up to claw at hers, to tell her to let him go, but all he received was a wicked grin from her. He let out choking noises and began to quickly shake from his lack of oxygen, and it was only until his eyes began to roll back into his head did she finally let him go.

She retracted from him and tore down the dome, placing her bare foot on his chest to keep him on the ground while blood casually poured from his human wounds.

"Carmen," Scott gulped, eye twitching,"You didn't have to-"

"He's alive, isn't he?!" She snapped at him, her wicked grin making its return as she stomped down on his chest. "This bastard is the reason Isaac is in hell! So don't you dare even think about telling me to calm down, because right now, I'm about 2 seconds away from snapping his neck!"

The room fell deadly silent, all except for the groans of Mr.Lahey. Carmen glanced down to him with a twisted grimace, then up to Harrison.

She said sickly sweetly, "I suggest you get talking about your genius plan before I crush him."

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