3.1 : surveillance

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Scott and I help Stiles and Lydia out of the front doors of the school where we're immediately met with the strobing lights of police cars, along with the loud pittering of rain and distant thunder. I assume that it's just because of the fire alarm that I pulled, but when I notice a cop puking off to the side and Allison and Isaac running up to us full-speed, I knew that something else had happened.

"What's wrong," I yell over the noise, looking between them.

"The piano teacher," Isaac's face scrunched as he attempted to catch his breath, "One of the piano strings snapped, wrapped around her neck and killed her . ."

"Wait, what?" My eye twitches, and I turn to face Lydia at my side. "Then why was she going for Lydia?"

"Who is 'She'?" Allison questions, her arms folding over her chest.

"Ms.Blake," Lydia speaks for me, still clearly shaken up from whatever had happened in that room. "She said that I was just a girl who knew too much."

We watched the officers quickly roll the stretcher that held the teacher's body out of the school and into a black truck. More officers pull up to the scene, along with a firetruck. I begin to panic at what this all meant.

"Stiles," I call harshly, getting his attention, "Stiles, what if they think it was me! If they look on those surveillance cameras and see me getting the extinguisher and setting off the alarms when the teacher dies, they're going to think I had something to do with that!"

"I'm sorry, Carmen," Stiles steps up to me seriously, "But my dad just got taken, and I really couldn't give less of a shit about your camera problems right now."

I gulp at his harsh words, but I knew that he was right. "I'm sorry, you're right. We have to go tell Derek. I'll meet you in the car in a minute."

Stiles goes to pile into the jeep while Scott leaves on his motorcycle to Deaton's office for something, leaving me and Isaac, as Allison walked away with her dad. Isaac pulls me into a hug, and though I didn't know what it was for, I accepted it gratefully nonetheless.

"I'm going to need you to stop ignoring my texts," I mumble into his wet t-shirt, "I missed you today."

"I'm sorry, baby," He sighs, "I was busy all day with Allison."

I pull away, bite my lip and avert my gaze to the ground, shaking my head. "Of course you were."

I wanted to yell at him to just stop hanging out with her so much, but I really had no right to tell him who he was allowed to be friends with. I didn't want to start an argument over nothing right  now.

He notices the pang of sadness in my face and words, but before he can talk again I take off towards Stiles' car.


We burst through the doors of Derek's loft, immediately catching his attention from the kitchen. From the look on his face, it was obvious that he knew something was wrong. He set the glass of water he was holding down and met us in the middle of the room.

"Ms.Blake is the one killing people," I explain bluntly, "She killed a teacher tonight, she tried to kill Lydia because she was finding the bodies, and then she took Stiles' dad."

His eyes only widen for a second before he gives us a curt nod.

"That's it?" Scott asks in disbelief, "Just a nod? Shouldn't we be going to find her right now?!"

"We don't have to," Derek speaks lowly. "She's already here."

We all go silent and the sound of heels against pavement fills our ears. Derek nods us towards another part of the room, ensuing that we all scramble to get behind a large pillar so that she wouldn't see us upon entering.

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